Browsing at Large Kitchen and Bathroom Retailers.

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In certain areas of the United Kingdom, often known as 'retail parks', there are large retail outlets where kitchen and bathroom furniture is sold. Here are just a few points to help you as you browse in such places.

1) Do not be surprised when none of the taps work. This is perfectly normal as they are not connected to the mains.
2) Likewise, the gas and electricity are not connected so do not expect a hissing sound as you attempt to turn on the gas hob burners. Should such a sound occur, contact a member of the shop's staff immediately.
3) None of the drawers will contain cutlery or, more importantly, towels. You are expected to provide your own when/if you buy the kitchen units. The same applies, of course, to gas and electricity supplies.

1) As note 1 for Kitchens, above. Also, toilets will not flush, not even once (but see notes below).
2) Any towels on display towel rails are for display purposes only and are not suitable for use by hitchhikers.
3) Do not use the toilets on display. Please ask a member of the shop's staff for directions to their in-store customer toilets. Keep a sharp eye out for 'Do Not Use This Toilet' signs which will help you if you are in any doubt.
4) Keep an eye on your children to ensure that they comply with note 3 above. If you must turn your back, ensure that any display toilets within reach are ones which have been securely taped shut by staff. This tape, if seen, is for preventative purposes only and would not be present on any bathroom furniture you may buy.

Do not point out any of the above deficiencies to staff. They will look at you as if you are mad.

I would like to point out that the above points on dysfunctional and lacking fittings and equipment are not, surprisingly, the reason why the retailers feel the need to offer their wares in 'HALF PRICE CLEARANCE SALE' offers at certain times of the year, especially after Christmas. The reason, actually, is that nobody has bought their stock so they need to clear it to buy in other stock that nobody will also buy.

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