A Conversation for Stonehenge

Challenge h2g2: Stonehenge

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

I'd like to see an entry on Stonehenge. Who made it? Why did they make it? Where did the stones come from? What are the solar and lunar alignments? How many of these were planned and how many arose by chance?

(Remember, if you stick a load of stones in a field at random, some of them will line up by chance with significant directions).

Challenge h2g2: Stonehenge

Post 2



Challenge h2g2: Stonehenge

Post 3


(Great minds think alike, eh? smiley - winkeye)

Challenge h2g2: Stonehenge

Post 4


It grew there. it was originaly a group of talking trees called Barvarbitors but the conversation dried out and they all stood still for ages until they turned into stone from boredom. Another theory is that they were mattresses but they were visited by medusa, when the mice got earth created they made the sun after the earth was and the suns movement was calibrated to the matress circle or the 'dead convo treeline' for convenience and confusion

Challenge h2g2: Stonehenge

Post 5


They are prehistoric Lego(tm) blocks, as can be determined by the interlocking pieces. Because of their weight -- and the lack of a practical form of hernia surgery at the time -- they were so unsuccessful, only one set was made and the idea was trashed for thousands of years...until technology was able to produce them on the small scale we see in today's Lego(tm) blocks.

smiley - smiley

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Post 6

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