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The latest on the local music scene around Cincinnati, Ohio, Gill is probably one of the best bands you've never heard of.
It all started Thanksgiving Day of 1998, at the Thanksgiving Day race in Cinci... Gill-ians were running along yelling things out with reckless abandon. Shouts of "Happy Thanksgiving" and "Eat the Mashed Potatoes"... that sort of thing, as loud as they could shout. Somehow or other they got on the topic of cheesecake... oreo cheesecake, at that. After the race was done they drove back to the house-hold. Since they were still feeling inspired(and the lyrics were pretty much done anyway) Gill made up its first song: "Oreo Cheesecake". And from there, it has blossomed into one of the indie-est of indie bands.
Their creation of typically caffeine inspired music turned out to be the impetus of an actual demo release after the holidays of '99.

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