Alicia Brmyn
Created | Updated Dec 12, 2004
Name: Alicia Brmyn
Class: brown (Necromancer)
Upage: U203430
Ex Familiar: crow Named Quoth
Appearance: average hight brown hair, green eyes
Armor: none
Skills: Cook, Ultravision, Linguist, Military Training
weapon : long sword
Alicia Brmyn
Alicia Brmyn is mage on the high council of the Magicians’ Guild. She is always dressed in the same manner, in the colours of her class. Brown.
Alicia is a young woman she has long brown hair and green eyes, and could be considered beautiful if she cared for such considerations. Her robes are brown and lacking the ornamentation chosen by some other mages, she often chooses to where a cloak that is also brown and is long enough to reach her ankles. Alicia is proud to be a brown mage, her talent is in necromancy and although this class is normally frowned upon by others due to the necessary magic that must be learned to for fill the class she has no problems with what she is and cares little for the snipes of the others.
Alicia was a solitary child and grew up away from the main city in a small village. Both her parents had been mages but magic and those who could use it were still rare in those parts. As her parents had passed away in a tragic accident when she was but a child she was confused and taken completely by surprise when one day she was handed the bells and sword of a necromancer. in the most common but not by any means only way that the trade is passed on through the generations. Alicia was never sure why she had been chosen out of all the possible young people in the village, but as the old necromancer had passed off… and she had not yet knowledge of the skills to bring him back and ask him she set off to the city in hope that she would find an answer. Once there she found that few people knew why she was there, and few cared. Eventually she was pointed in the direction of the Magicians’ Guild.
The Guild, and the city were completely new experiences for the county girl, and so when she turned up there the horrified reaction of some of the elders was unexpected to say the least. Alicia spent so long wondering what she had done to be outcast so far from the other apprentice mages, so she approached one of the elders. The brown mage on the council then was an overbearing man he appeared always to be walking in the shadows always drawn into himself, and after a short time it was clear to anyone that the two of them did not get on. Alicia found her lessons hard, dull, and agonisingly slow, however they were necessary and she was thankful that she paid attention to them.
Necromancy is a dangerous art, not only do you learn to use poisons and create creatures that are not living but to raise the dead when it is necessary to do so, this is often a complicated process and the result of failure explains one of the reasons that so few chose to study necromancy, because to raise the dead you have to walk in the realm of death, possibly even up to the ninth gate, through which no living thing may pass. There is the book of the dead in the library, which every necromancy student must learn before they themselves are able to walk in this path… but one slip along the way and the student would be lost forever. Alicia found that she was talented enough to avoid these slips, and although she was quick to learn how to walk in the realms of the dead she never went so far as to walk alone and unguided until her tutor decided she was ready.
After years of training and diligent study Alicia progressed up the levels in the guild, however she always felt that she was under the scrutiny of her peers, she made numerous attempts to blend in with the others, but making friends from the other classes was almost impossible however she did become a close companion with a blue mage named Faren Páwel growing to trust him and even fall in love with him, tragically war broke out with the Dark Alliance and in a battle at what is now the outpost of Yorick. Faren was hit by a poisoned arrow and despite the best efforts of the healers he is counted among the many tragedies of the war. After this event Alicia was more timid than before and she concentrated only on her studies forgetting the others, no longer caring about not fitting in. Eventually she could no longer wrap herself in study… she had memorised the books and knew the spells, she had to go back out there into the battle. So bells and sword ready she stepped out… vowing to revenge the life of her lost love, and as so many had already fallen there was an ample supply of souls some not yet passed the third gate, they would be easy to control, or so she thought she stepped forward into the fray forgetting one of the major teachings of necromancy…
‘Never send forth what you can’t send back’.
After a time she ended up having to fight her own creations sending them back using the bells not resting till she undone her mistake.
Before the end of the war Alicia herd of the death of her tutor amongst many of the other mages, she fought to reduce the confusion amongst the other necromancers helping to organise them before the final strike, it is this that set her out from the others and so made her the perfect choice to be the next to sit in the council. Alicia rarely speaks of the war, preferring to keep her memories to herself instead. She is often in the library or in the training yard in the Magicians Guild,
She once had a crow familiar by the name of Quoth however not so long ago Alicia permanently lost the ability to summon her familiar to her when she was called by lord Lycan to go to outpost Yorick where she was attacked by a wild wolf one of Lycan’s pack that was aiming to usurp his leadership by attacking a mage, Alicia just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lycan carried Alicia to a house near the outpost but on the way for reasons only known to Alicia she managed to persuade Lycan to bite her. Thus turning her into a werewolf.
Since this time much has happened, times and Ideas have changed. Allies have been lost when Alicia fell out with Elandra the high warrior.
Most surprisingly Alicia married Lycan. However there union is somewhat… unusual and the two are still rarely seen together and occasionally fighting between themselves. Despite all that has happened Alicia has not changed much, she is a typical necromancer. And was born to be one. On learning that her family were necromancers she has become close to the very things she once fought against. A distant relation to the DuBos family (very powerful necromancer family) she tends to think other mages below her, although no-one seems to have put forth an objection to this yet.