The Ethics of Angels & Masters (also Nordics)

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Finally, this is the last section on the ethical constructs for different viewpoints.


~V~ Be here now. Don't live in the past and don't live in the future. (01,41,75)
~V~ Generally choose Fairness unless that's impossible. (02,42,76)
~V~ Taking a turn raises the matter of reckoning Rules and conceding on preferences. (03,43,77)
~V~ One effect of being mobile is that one must have a validated reason or cause to obtain that power. (04,44,78)
~V~ The value of associates is that they crave to be prompted about desired effects and judgments. (05,45,79)
~V~ The pursuit of a standing role is a viewpoint in which power obtainable must be sufficient to function. (06,46,80)
~V~ Inspire confidence by prompting the belief that Leadership always harmonizes a work. (07,24,47,58,81)
~V~ Relate to those who promote and respect limits on essential beliefs and ideas to be shared. (08,25,48,59,82)
~V~ Frame your life so as to prosper as a way of articulating Competence. (09,26,49,60,83)
~V~ Those who choose a helping profession are showing what's good about their way of belief. (10,27,50,61,84)
~V~ Don't let progress get in the way of your profession or prosperity; Luddite. (11,28,51,62,85)
~V~ Deal with commitments by clarifying issues that stand in the way of progress. (12,29,52,63,86)
~V~ Be open to investing and energizing what stands by Reason, or an appearance of it. (13,30,53,64,87)
~V~ Be open to showing up when someone else's role is pursuing disharmony. (14,31,54,65,88)
~V~ Always be there to energize Truth when possible forms of perfidy lose credibility. (15,32,55,66,89)
~V~ When teaching how to invest, promote forms and compositions that show good judgment and harmonious effects. (16,33,56,67,90)
~V~ Being attached to multiple options means, one can always find a way to cope. (17,34,57,68,91)
~V~ Competence should also be profitable in terms of non-material, altruistic attainments. (18,35,69,92)
~V~ Those who meditate on Life attain to a life of showing up. (19,36,93)
~V~ Participating is a state in which, what counts is good Effects in a disciplined community. (20,37,94)
~V~ Be aware and open to tact that conveys Goodness. (21,38,950
~V~ A commitment to simplicity and self-sufficiency must accompany ascendancy of a teacher. (22,39,96)
~V~ What's sufficient for a role is where Justice and Wisdom prevail. (23,40,97)

Since there is no one who is conversant in this prime number system of attributing meaning to numbers, and since the book is not yet written, I can attest to the fact that this is my own private writing, and not a copying of someone else's work. -- Shechaiyah / Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg

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