The "Wisdom" of the Predatory World

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Once we see Predation and Parasitism (which differ only in matters of degree of Debt and Ruin they create) for the strategies they are, perhaps we can learn how to create limits and boundaries to the activities of those who would steal from the worker and give to the hoarder.

~*~ Be open to the constant wisdom that is generally acceptable. Consensus (at the lowest possible denominator) is everything. (01,39,70)
~*~ Choose to be fair when you sense a reason to do so (but you don't have to bother for some people). (02,40,71)
~*~ Be with taking a turn until you can see a chance to profit; then go off and do your own thing. (03,41,72)
~*~ Continual mobility provides constant opportunities for attachments and engagements; don't let grass grow under your feet until your investments pay off.(04,42,73)
~*~ Value your associates by elevating only those who count that you (personally) can count on. (05,43,74)
~*~ If something comes up, reckon whether leaving is better than staying to take your turn. Never mind, commitments you made in the past.(06,23,44,75)
~*~ Sense and guide options as to whether they're appropriate and safe or not; don't take chances. (07,24,45,76)
~*~ ONLY promote your friends, and they will promote you. (08,25,46,77)
~*~ Your judgments will hold when you stand ONLY with “real powerful people.”(09,26,47,78)
~*~ Some always choose what manifests necessities and be responsible for themselves. Don't worry about others. (10,27,48,79)
~*~ For some, it's only appropriate to deal with known certainties and essential power structures. (11,28,49,80)
~*~ For some, having to deal with a problem de-stabilizes rather than maintains a commitment. (12,29,50,81)
~*~ Invest and engage in preferences articulated by masses of the unaware, if you want to profit.(13,30,51,61,82)
~*~ To keep attention off concealed things, bring up and raise issues that muddle the unwary and lazy. (14,31,52,62,83)
~*~ Where secrecy prevails, create dysinfo and discord by engaging debunkers and shills. (15,32,53,63,84)
~*~ Those who are ego-oriented invest in their friends, for the sake of praise. (16,33,54,64,85)
~*~ Perceiving others' attachments and fears, one might offer possible initiatives to "guarantee safety." (17,34,55,65,86)
~*~ Those of even ordinary competence can profit from possibly composing statements about fears and attack. (18,35,56,66,87)
~*~ Material gain can come from thriving viewpoints that lead to disharmony, strife and division. (19,36,57,67,88)
~*~ Join those who favor and initiate functions that lead to loss of livelihood: that a "pro-fession." (20,37,58,68,89)
~*~ By disengaging limits to crime, one can obtain ascendancy over any Judiciary and Law Enforcement situation. (21,38,59,69,90)
~*~ Use muddling issues as a way to profiteer. (22,60,91)

I believe most of us can testify that we see these strategies in place everyday.

: ) Chai

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