The "Wisdom" of the Predatory World
Created | Updated Jul 24, 2007
~*~ Be open to the constant wisdom that is generally acceptable. Consensus (at the lowest possible denominator) is everything. (01,39,70)
~*~ Choose to be fair when you sense a reason to do so (but you don't have to bother for some people). (02,40,71)
~*~ Be with taking a turn until you can see a chance to profit; then go off and do your own thing. (03,41,72)
~*~ Continual mobility provides constant opportunities for attachments and engagements; don't let grass grow under your feet until your investments pay off.(04,42,73)
~*~ Value your associates by elevating only those who count that you (personally) can count on. (05,43,74)
~*~ If something comes up, reckon whether leaving is better than staying to take your turn. Never mind, commitments you made in the past.(06,23,44,75)
~*~ Sense and guide options as to whether they're appropriate and safe or not; don't take chances. (07,24,45,76)
~*~ ONLY promote your friends, and they will promote you. (08,25,46,77)
~*~ Your judgments will hold when you stand ONLY with “real powerful people.”(09,26,47,78)
~*~ Some always choose what manifests necessities and be responsible for themselves. Don't worry about others. (10,27,48,79)
~*~ For some, it's only appropriate to deal with known certainties and essential power structures. (11,28,49,80)
~*~ For some, having to deal with a problem de-stabilizes rather than maintains a commitment. (12,29,50,81)
~*~ Invest and engage in preferences articulated by masses of the unaware, if you want to profit.(13,30,51,61,82)
~*~ To keep attention off concealed things, bring up and raise issues that muddle the unwary and lazy. (14,31,52,62,83)
~*~ Where secrecy prevails, create dysinfo and discord by engaging debunkers and shills. (15,32,53,63,84)
~*~ Those who are ego-oriented invest in their friends, for the sake of praise. (16,33,54,64,85)
~*~ Perceiving others' attachments and fears, one might offer possible initiatives to "guarantee safety." (17,34,55,65,86)
~*~ Those of even ordinary competence can profit from possibly composing statements about fears and attack. (18,35,56,66,87)
~*~ Material gain can come from thriving viewpoints that lead to disharmony, strife and division. (19,36,57,67,88)
~*~ Join those who favor and initiate functions that lead to loss of livelihood: that a "pro-fession." (20,37,58,68,89)
~*~ By disengaging limits to crime, one can obtain ascendancy over any Judiciary and Law Enforcement situation. (21,38,59,69,90)
~*~ Use muddling issues as a way to profiteer. (22,60,91)
I believe most of us can testify that we see these strategies in place everyday.
: ) Chai