More people than I can count on one hand...
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
And here they are. In a particular order: it's called one after the other. I like to think I thought of it myself.
Kristina Marie- KM very cool and creative, and often around. She may possibly be dead, hit by a car on the way back from the kitchen, but she's still pending the approval of the little angry cross-dressing midget on that. Meanwhile, she intends to assume she's still alive. I'd like to think so too.
bubster- Or aardvark joe, or bubster j. bubstable, esq., or whatever name he is going by right now. A fellow Aussie. He's lives on the five dollar note-- he told me that once. Now I think it'd be awfully pink on there, but he seems to like it.
CrazyOne- Greg's often online and great to chat with. And his site Creative Craziness is a great place to have a look at.
Spartus- The master pedant. Exept when he occasionally slips up. (cubes, anyone?) Meanwhile, go there and read the tales of Stuffy.
Kate- The cool person responsible for Floor 42, where we all hang out. She's always nice and friendly to talk to.
Ant- The cheeriest person around. This little bunny has even created his own place, at It's very nice.
Krissy- She's in love, and happy about it. If you ever in need of a little happy, you may be able to filch some of hers. Ant has happy to, but his isn't usually on such public display.
an apple tree- She makes sense, just occasionally not to the rest of us. She's another fellow Aussie, but she's out travelling the world right now. She pops in occasionally, but not all that reliably at least until March.
beetle- beetle and I are having lunch in Baltimore. Yes, right now. Isn't the harbo(u)r pretty? While we're here, go over and talk to beetle. He's a beetle of the car variety, not the insect.
beeline- Beeline's another Brit. He's organizing the world right now. This seems to be a rather optimistic project if ever there was one.
Amanda- She very friendly. Go look at her page, it's got lots of stuff on it, even Krissy's dragon. It's pur-dy.
Jonny- He's back in England now. I think. He's moving around quite a bit and it's hard to keep to keep track. But if you catch him when he's on, say hello. He's got some interesting smudges you can look at.
Emmy- Our very own h2g2 bikini queen! She won [URL removed by moderator - broken link]. She may have completely failed to write in her journal, but I'm beginning to think this is becoming a statement.
C- Everyone's favo(u)rite Mommy. Always friendly and around if you ever need someone to ask.