A Bold New World

0 Conversations

A Bold New World

I suppose I should start with a brief introduction, this is the first installment of a small mini series of documents that aim to show us all that there is more to life than the struggle. It is to look at the day-to-day lives of everyone with a view to making this a better place to stay. In this first installment I have decided not to overload you with statistics & figures, I shall do this over the next installment, but as I explain later, statistics can be turned to show whatever someone wants to so, let us, for a time, use our own senses and our own conscience to look at the world around us.

The emancipation of the poor and the working class maybe harder than Karl Marx originally foresaw. This is because Karl Marx came from a time when their was a clear line between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’. Society has moved on in massive leaps and bounds and a new breed of class has appeared. It is now the biggest group of people, in most nations, certainly the western countries. It is a group that is neither well off nor on the poverty line, the ‘Get Bys’ if you will. This is a large group who, tend to live, month to month, to the limit of their expenses not saving or advancing, a stagnant sort of living. The strangest and most frightening thing, in many ways, is that this group does not even realize that they are trapped, in the relative comfort of the ever increasingly priced houses, they pass through life contributing only to mediocrity. People have adopted an attitude now that they ignore politics in the main, as they know that it does nothing for them, politicians promise what they never deliver, double talk and the evasion of any answer is what they are synonymous with. The ordinary person, the one they often speak about, has stopped caring. When Karl Marx first talked of communisim and the abolition of private property the world was in the dirty grip of the Industrial Revolution when the majority of people lived in hunger and disgusting conditions. We have all seen the pictures of 7 year olds down mineshafts and we have all stood back in surprise and disgust. The only difference between now and then is that now the work is less manual and less dangerous but it is as thankless and it is still benefiting only the few, the capitalists. In short the principals have remained unchanged.

The simple truth that cannot be ignored, or argued against, is that the current system, not only does not work, nor has it worked in recent times, it has caused a startling apathy in voting, and the fact that we percivier with a system that is based on greed and exploitation at its core is a somewhat sad state of affairs. That ‘The abolition of Private Property’, communism, a place where man is equal, is now viewed with contempt and disgust, especially in the land of the free, shows the shift in peoples attitudes to fall in line with their political masters, following many years of propaganda, this highlights an uneducated view fueled by the rhetoric from tabloids, politicians and American TV. The truth may be out there but it has gotten lost.

It has always been the way that those in power, those who make the decisions, live almost on another planet from those they proclaim to lead. If I am unfair, I apologies, however, it seems that as every day passes the nation dulls and, as a group, appears to settle for life as it is. Have they all lost the belief that people can make a difference? The very fact that their lives are wrapped up in Celebrity TV’s show or those reality TV shows that show situations as far from the real world as possible, when in reality all over the world people are suffering. Some from hunger and disease, some on our own streets homeless. The list could fill 10 volumes of a book and I do not need to tell you all the worlds’ woes.

What if I could tell you of a way to end it all? To end all poverty and hunger. To stop the destruction of all natural resources. To stop fighting over pieces of land that are no more than fictional borders or some feeling of belonging that certainly is not worth killing or dying for. A way so bold in its simplicity, I can already hear the voices say ‘it will never work!’ it may not work, but by that logic the existing system also does not work, unless I have missed what or who it has worked for, so why do we persist? Is it for a widening gap between the rich and poor, higher crime rates, higher unemployment, higher waiting lists in hospital, no real help for the old, again the list is long? Suffice to say the current system fails at a fundamental level.

It is the first step that will inevitably be the hardest, to convince those in this numb age that life is not about surviving, it is about living. It is about being given at least a chance to live life. The first step is no small thing and the ramifications of it run very deep. However, we can look at the mistakes from our past and see some of the ideas that have failed and why they did. The communists failed due to their rigidity and the fact that they did not apply their values to everyone, at least not those in power.

To truly move forward we must change certain principles that are man made, but seemingly eternal and now second nature. Ideally it would be on a global scale; initially we shall deal with the UK. The first issue is simply that we must throw off all tags that we carry for whatever reason, I may be Scottish and proud of it, however, I am human, first and foremost and should be as proud of that. It matters not what religion I or anyone else is. It cannot harm you if I am catholic or protestant in any way and it is our right to believe what we choose, for unless you can prove it wrong, what right do you have to say anything or to treat people different. The reason for this bigoted behaviour is that each group feels threatened, that its identity is at stake; each group does not understand the other. They do not feel equal. These attitudes that, I believe, would begin to soften immediately, as would many other forms of prejudiced behavior if the world was more in balance and that all peoples felt they where treated equally.

The first real step is the eradication of money. Initially the pound would exist on a state level before being phased out to deal by trade only.

As I said, the ramifications of this run deep. It means that the ideas of value and wealth cease to have any material meaning. Personal gain is irrelevant. It also means that your position in society will not be directly proportional to your bank balance. Nor will the 8% of the country be able to claim ownership of the land. As any religious person would tell you we are all born of the earth and no one has any more or less right to live on any piece of land or to be refused access to any site than any other person.

Before I speak about the changes this would bring to the world and each other I should first discuss the immediate impact this would have and the benefits this can bring, to everyone, if we are prepared to change. This change would benefit the majority of people in the UK however, the few, those that have something material and not truly tangible forms of wealth, will try to prevent the idea. They very fact that you know it makes you a danger to them. But when the many people whispering become a shout, change can happen. Anyone with any knowledge of history can give you examples.

I digress, the immediate withdrawal of money may not be feasible however, a very short-term plan would be put in force, possibly a card issued to everyone to allow him or her to obtain the goods they needed. With the entire financial sector now defunct there would be a massive workforce waiting to be retrained & reskilled. With all forms of work, directly under the control of the people. The most basic issues would be addressed as per the various Human Rights Conventions, and furthered. Housing would not now be building small blocks of flats, of low quality to sell for profit. There would be a program of development to build large, low, environmentally friendly houses, with gardens, and a better more strategic street plan closer to amenities and transport.

A programme of houses built to suit the requirements of people with a vast, easy access public transport service as standard. All people currently homeless or living under a pre-determined property line will be reallocated and, to a high degree, in the area they desire. With the vacuum created by the many office jobs that will no longer exist, we will be able to create an environment where work is not a major factor and reason for life. We will aim to lessen the working week too, for example, four days on, four days off on a rotating shift. This will allow people to work more or less what they desire and to increase everyone’s leisure time. There will be a refocus on the people and the community, in an almost Roman like rebuilding. With the building of what is actually needed a high priority and with concentrated efforts of all construction workers, under one company, The State, housing, hospitals, schools, health centers, sporting halls, community centers, art buildings & libraries, will all be built to accommodate the needs of any area. There will also be a major change of focus to green energy policies. A basic ethic, regarding education, that each child starts school, at either 5 or 6, and through to 16 with the option of state provided further education.

Anyone losing a job through these changes will be given a variety of options for a change of employment from engineering to science and if they desire they can return to education if they feel they require this.

Before I continue to explain how and why people would continue to work I think that it is time to point out another major benefit that itself branches into many other sub fields. Crime. Muggings and theft would all but cease, as the people that currently steal would be given what they need, like everyone else. For starters with food, clothes and a comfortable place to stay each person would begin to see that it was not hopeless and with a goal that everyone is entitled to the equal benefits in life. Work would be mandatory for everyone in some form and each job would be as equally important as another. All people would not use any letters after their names, nor would titles like Dr be used, as these are labels for vanity purposes only and serve no real purpose.

After school people would be allowed to choose which fields they would wish to pursue and their choice, together with their suitability and needs, would be factored into the occupation they desire and people would be given the chance to try their chosen profession. All training would be given or university courses and each job would be given a period after which you can change and you will be given another large selection. This method would allow everyone to be what they want and try different things to prevent the mundane, which would inevitably stem the many millions of working days lost through the year by people under stress or people who hate their jobs. It also allows those who enjoy their current jobs to stay where they are. People may ask why would someone study then to become a doctor, for example, and not a street sweeper or whatever. There are two answers, firstly, people challenge themselves and people will always strive to be doctors as it is in their nature, secondly, a road sweeper is needed as much as a doctor. Each job is different however, equally important in different ways. Is it not strange that we pay the road sweeper so little when it is a job we ourselves would stick our noses up at, unless it was very well paid? Think of even a simple machine, when even the smallest part breaks or stops functioning the machine will stop or slowly start to cease working. Again, only some vain, strange image we have, to label these jobs as important, if only we realized how trivial they were and that those concerned with such trivialities will need to refocus to be in line with a less self serving community.

Anyway, I digress again, and before I launch into another attack on those who I deem deserving of such, I will return to the point in hand, the reduction in crime.

The simple truth is that crime is a by-product of our society. In nature there are species that kill their prey, eat their fill and leave what’s left to the rest of the group then, inevitably, some other animals or scavengers may tear at the scraps. This is capitalism if you use a bit of sideways imagination. However, in nature there are always different ways to do things, there are groups of animals that hunt together and share the spoils. Like the vast bat colonies, ensuring the weak and the young get fed; as they know a simple truth, tomorrow it could be them going hungry and those that they have shared with, share back. I mention this as it highlights two very different natural cultures. Our current one, as you know, leaves many people without enough money to do the simple things in life, like eat, or they cannot get the help they need. But why would anyone mug or rob someone in the street if there was no reason to steal? Why would anyone burgle or hold up shops? I am under no illusion that some forms of crime may never be eradicated. This though is a start and would free up a large portion of the Police Departments time to concentrate on other matters.

With this in mind a wide individual review would be carried out and no less than every law would be re-evaluated and updated in line with the present day. I know it is a sticky issue and causes a great divide but I mention here another Police issue, the legalization of Cannabis. Now I can hear the screams of uneducated middle-aged mums saying “Drugs! Heaven forbid” however, it is my humble opinion that, a broad, small and usually vocal group of the nation, although they pontificate about the subject, are usually very misinformed and that most of the knowledge they have gleaned comes from, perhaps the largest recorded case of Chinese Whispers, that anyone has ever been a part of, “My friends told me” or indeed their equally misinformed parents hold these beliefs to be true. Some people would read the same things in the Daily Rag and take it as gospel. The very same papers they don’t believe or rubbish the next page. Usually written by someone of the same ilk as the reader, like Joan Burnie.

If they ever read the many books, scientific studies, even the history of how and when it became illegal, I would then agree to listen to their arguments as any opinion that, doesn’t stem from an educated point of view is built on shaky grounds. This and the immediate legalization of cannabis and a full research into all drugs would be actioned forthwith. May I also add at this juncture, to the same said group of people, not withstanding the fact they would not read a paper like this, is that the repercussions of decriminalization for drug users and also a readily available safe market has been proven to have positive measured results, and I don’t meant Holland, I am talking about Liverpool. When in the early 90’s they ran a programme that enabled heroin users to use pure heroin (since the main cause of death is from impure substances mixed in) and this decreased the number of deaths, also the number of addicts did not rise. Also, following this, the level of crime dropped, although in this programme the crimes I speak of would mostly be gone. I feel it is worthwhile to point out this fact. Which also leads to one final fact that the spread of AIDS and other diseases dropped to almost zero. When, under American peer pressure, this was cancelled all the above rose again and AIDS started to spread rapidly, almost immediately. I challenge anyone to point out what good this did to anyone except the dealers, the very people the Police want to stop. Odd no?

Bare with me, I know this is disjointed but sometimes it is better to think in a fast moving back and forth fashion.

Healthcare, another issue that the present day government has turned into nothing more than a point scoring system with waiting lists, bed numbers and nurses being pure number fodder. I see these private health care subscribing politicians have forgotten the important point that it is not money that should be an issue in health, but health itself, and free quality healthcare for everyone. Therefore another immediate additional benefit, for this and many other industries, is that with their being a state prepared to build as many hospitals as required, and to fund them as required, we can have a Health Service that truly delivers to those that need it most, the sick. I believe, that if you consider that pay is not an issue we have an army of doctors and nurses (Not to mention teachers etc.), all skilled and working but not at their chosen, preferred profession, but one forced on them by economics or government cuts, disguised as increases in grants, tax rises, council restructure and control. It would be anticipated that following the restructure and closure of financial industry jobs, as well as the new non-pay structure many nurses would return to that vocation.

Career wise, the many thousands of fat cats and all the people that work under them, as I have said would be integrated into occupations, of their choice, from an extremely wide range. With respect to education, again, only a politician could see a school in the same manor as hospitals, a pass mark scoring system. This alone is not a measure of education. Education must be comprehensive, in all ways, and thorough and most importantly, available to everyone, equally. Schools, all state run, would all be upgraded to a minimum high standard, closer to the high paying private schools of today, to allow everyone the right to education. I would say to teachers’ two things, I have lived and breathed your true frustrations through the lives of teachers close to me and I believe the changes would have a major shift in the attitude of school children. However, in anticipation that it did not, schools would be given more powers to discipline pupils and, for the worst cases, schools would be set up for children unwilling to learn or for disruptive pupils. Parents would be kept informed of their children’s progress and would be required to take action if the school panel felt their child was not performing or disrupting the class.

I would like to mention here my opinion on political correctness as it reverberates around many different themes. I wish to state that those who crusade and spend all their time in search of their perception of equality, that they miss the true fight, it is not man against woman or black against white or for politeness sake itself, it is simply the liberation of all. The freedom of everyone to express his or her beliefs and style of life, if that is Muslim or Catholic, Vegan or Hindu. People have a right to follow what they believe to be true without persecution. It may not have occurred to everyone, for whatever reason, that the Earth is big enough for us all, if we decide to manage it better.

Indeed on this point, like in true conversation, each new point is a tangent; the very system of globalization is no more than a way to justify the exploitation of “smaller” nations. Indeed nations that are only different because their ancestors decided not to colonize, exploit and enslave the planet. You have seen the news of the various rebellions against war on Iraq, world debt and for many, many other reasons. How can you sit their and contemplate justifying to me that asking African countries to pay Billions of pounds a year, to various western countries, in repayments of loans, that our countries in the west are the cause of. Why do they pay us for problems we caused? And it is just enough that it keeps them from ever getting to a state where they can challenge our all important defense policies and trade agreements. Weapons that alone are worth Millions of pounds, per rocket, that could be spent perhaps on saving human lives as opposed to killing them, home and abroad. The ludicrous nature of politics, politicians and how they spend their budgets would be extremely funny if it was not such a serious problem that is continually compounded. Have you ever tried to say it out loud then try and justify, whether you believe it or not, try to justify asking nations which are “3rd World” and cannot afford to feed their people or supply them with clean water due to the fact they are paying us back most of their national debt, which has very reasonable interest of course. It is doubly strange when you think that some countries pay us back a few billion then can’t feed their people, so the people of the western countries, not the governments but the people resort to fund raising & charity. If we truly cared why would we take with one hand and give a lot less back with the other.

Unlike Lenin & Stallin though this is not a regime that wants to exploit people, so that leads to a few other fields that need to be redefined. Communication, by phone, letter, and email however, will all be provided for each person. Their will be no censorship of the press or of free speech, however more papers producing stories not based on the excess lair of fat of some ‘it’ girl or how some TV nobody looks without make up on but with issues facing real people in the real world. Celebrity would no longer be the new religion, nor would fashion, which is the essence of the superficial nature of something that has no real pricing programme and that is in essence pure vanity, conceit & snobbery. Do not get me wrong I also do not think for one moment people should not have variety & choice in clothes or whatever. The importance however, would be less than it is now. Their just would be a different policy to naming it would not be say DKNY, it would simply state its size, washing instructions and fabric contents. I mean you tell me why a piece of cloth identical to another goes up 10 times in value just because a label is stuck on it, why?

So far I have given a brief overview and showed you, I hope, some of the things grossly wrong with our system and some simple ways we can change it, for all our benefit. I shall endeavor to expand on these ideas, although I can’t promise no more tangents, as these are the fruits of our linear thought and at the least it gives you an insight into the pattern of someone else’s thoughts.

I wish to explain though, in whatever fashion possible, how employment would work, although you will have to bear with me as it is a wide set of variables that must start concurrently. This though would be a natural consequence following the demise of finance.

As discussed there would be a large work force, not to mention those currently unemployed, that would be jobless. Now at this point we would have a slight ‘stop & think’ period of a few weeks were certain trades would stop work to register their companies & employees with the state. Certain occupations would be initially exempt however, using current government figures, whilst waiting on a review, and by this I don’t mean any 12 month or 2 year royal investigation or public enquiry, it shall be a task force of ex government workers and a large number of people, current council workers and the ‘ordinary’ people. We would see which areas are currently classed as deprived, this we would insist would take no more than a few weeks to process as we would also ask the people in areas, that any local could tell you is deprived. It is in these areas we would start the immediate construction and redevelopment of larger, quality, well built and spread out houses. Each new neighborhood getting more than adequate road & rail links built. As advised plumbers, builders, electricians, roofers and most allied trades would be working as one. With this large workforce spread out across every part of the country, we would start the immediate rebuilding programme. Each house would be fitted & furnished with high quality furniture, bedding and whatever was necessary to bring it to a standard well above that of the European and World average. In each of these areas, unlike in the 50’s, 60’s or 70’s when redevelopment and forced relocation took place we would start with the thought that we must ensure each area is catered for in all ways. With houses politicians forget come people. They have needs; shops, schools, hospitals are a start and these would also be built in each new area.

It is also a fact that people need something to do. Therefore it is obvious that in each area under development Sports Centers, Community Centers and a variety of places ranging from parks to clubs, cinemas to pubs & restaurants would be factored in. Current sub standard council & ex-council houses would be demolished and rebuilt. I am under no illusion that this will cause some people to relocate. It shall be their choice. They can stay in the past, in smaller, damp lower quality housing that they have become emotionally attached to over the years or they can move to the new development or allow reconstruction in their areas. We cannot and would not force people to move but houses will be there for those who want them.

With the extra workforce in limbo they would be asked to contribute in other ways that suit their skills, their personal needs and what they want. People will be asked to move to fields that would now be in more demand for example education, construction, engineering, nursing, scientific research to environmental policy and so on. It is unavoidable, as jobs would not remain in their current fields.

It would not be a barter system now that money no longer is needed; it would be a system where with everyone working, everyone would be provided for. Farmers would work the lands, as they always have, and help provide food. Mechanics would fix the farm equipment; shopkeepers would still provide a service by being the middlemen as they are at the moment. In essence they majority of people would still do what they do but with no financial worries. After a short initial period these people would also be allowed to apply for a change in occupation.

If you can imagine everyone in the country working to benefit everyone else, doing what they like, wouldn’t it be better like this? This in its most rudimentary form is communism, the very word means community, to share. We already make more than enough, of almost every product from food & clothing or are capable of doing so to provide for everyone. We would also continue to provide products for other nations to trade for what we need. Production of all products to become as close to self sufficient as possible would be the aim. Again it is only those naïve enough not to realize that this is not 100% possible so we would aim to immediately review all trade agreements with other countries to provide mutually agreed trade agreements to benefit both countries.

As this point I will point out an obvious consequence of this system is that all foreign owned companies with offices of any operation would be forced to either comply with our non profit philosophy or to relocate.

This may sound draconian but it is obvious that companies trading in our country to make profits would be unviable and unwanted, not to mention hypocritical. Every job would be viewed as your own contribution allowing us to make the first real progress in over 2000 years. If people see that together we make a difference and that in essence it keeps the roof over our head and food in our mouths then people will inevitably continue to better this new system, the converse is very true and is in short how life is now. Each to his needs, wants, countries needs and abilities as I said beforehand would all that would be asked of everyone to help everyone else – I don’t think that it is too high a price to pay.

Speaking of abilities I shall quickly mention sport, with the possible exception of football, although it is not the case with all players, and probably none at the early stages, it should be for the love of the sport and not the fame or fortune that the game is played. All sports would be provided for and anyone wishing to participate on whatever sport or indeed as many sports as they wanted would be provided for and encouraged. The many flaws in our current system would be ironed out by yet another review. No one would be forced to play Sports but from the grass roots level at schools right through to Olympic or Premier quality we would have a system in place to cater for everyone.

All these reviews incidentally, as I said before, should be as easy as they shall be wide reaching. It would be using sources at each level and position in their fields to state what is, in their opinion, the right & wrong elements of the current system and if they are agreed upon, they shall be changed.

Sport is one of the easier issues to resolve, although I don’t mean to suggest that shear bulk can sweep all the problems under the carpet. But by creating a vast network of well-equipped sports facilities would certainly make it easier and more approachable if we cater for the needs of the people. Once these where in place a further review would be carried out. With sport there is always those other issues that these Question Time panel members blow smoke about, Health I spoke of before is obviously one of their big issues another is Defence.

A small tangent though with large ramifications, would be the scaling down of the military. Due to the fragile nature of the world it would be naïve of any of us to completely scrap the military immediately, but this would he the end goal. Their would be a review of all troops currently in action around the world to see if their presence is legal and in the interest of the countries populace and indeed if they want our presence.

Back to health issues, every aspect with our system every hospital would be obviously under state control and each hospital would be supplied with all the state of the art equipment they require. All people currently on waiting lists on the NHS would be allowed to go to the nearest hospitals, private or otherwise, to ensure that, within the shortest time possible, their would be no such think as a waiting list. As I said before, I believe people would return to medicine creating a vast skilled workforce too more than meet demand.

On the research field side of it there would be a focus on scientific research in a wide variety of fields, with funding again no object we would promote research into disease, the environment and technologies that are for the benefit of mankind. This would again be encouraged and it is something I think a lot of people would aspire to. Centers of research would be opened around the country and at Universities.

Universities and schools would all be brought together to provide an equal education. Universities and colleges would no longer compete but assist each other so that each university benefits from the expertise of the others. It is obvious that people’s levels of academic intelligence differ and like now each would be taught according to their abilities. Therefore certain aspects of schooling would remain the same. However, the class numbers would be smaller as new schools would be opened allowing the teacher to concentrate on fewer pupils thus providing each with more attention. There would also be a programme that would see Catholic schools integrated with nondenominational schools. RE would be taught in all schools however. This would be to broaden everyone’s horizon and make people aware of other religions and beliefs. As you can imagine another immediate review would be carried out on various aspects, in particular the curriculum. The traditional range of subjects would continue and other classes towards showing people more practical how to do’s would be introduced as they are needed.

So far we have only introduced one change. A single difference that as you can see would mean a great many changes, ask again, now, who would lose out from these changes and would who gain!?! If you would truly lose then you must be an extremely wealthy landowner to someone set in his or her selfish ways. This one change would benefit everyone in the country, so I ask again, and think about your religion and its dictates before you answer. If this change would benefit the majority of people in the country what is wrong with that? Please tell me if you can think of a reason.

I will speculate some more, now some of what I now say is pure speculation however, it is reasonable to assume that the poor people in other countries would look to us, see each person in our country working to benefit each other and thus providing everyone with a productive, comfortable, lifestyle, they would then, I suppose, as I would, look at my life and realize I was working longer hours without the benefits of out free society where every need from housing to food to healthcare and recreation is catered for. I would ask my government and fellow people why are we not doing that? And lets take a leap of faith and say that this momentum gathered, in even a single poor country, it would not take long before popular opinion overcomes the status quo. And if people really look they would see that these people are not foreigners but fellow human beings, not so different from us. It would only be logical to pull resources and help one another by using our combined skills and resources to further develop and provide everyone with a more fulfilling life. And in the last, maybe giant, but lets not underestimate, leap of faith, the 92% of the people on this planet that get a significantly smaller share, if any, of our planets resources, would surely say to the 8%, No More. Imagine for one small second if all the peoples of the world worked towards the one goal of bettering our lives. Bettering lives should not be thought through Starbucks tinted eyes. The people native to countries all over the world have got on fine without McDonalds for this long and they shall continue too. Each nation would maintain its identity and customs to preserve out diversity. With the world working as one there would be an immediate stop to the destruction of rainforests, as these poorer nations would be provided for by external means without having to destroy their natural resources. This would apply to every natural resource from fish to the ozone and from oil all the way to tour natural heritage of buildings and monuments and archeological artifacts, our very history. On this note and it would immediately apply to our country, then hopefully to the world, that stones dug from the earth are valued not due to fashion, as fashion & style and desire are irrelevant and fluid and do not feature or factor in the cost of items. All minerals that we cannot manufacture unless needed would not be brought in. Diamonds for lasers not for jewellery as it where.

It is also a good point to note here that all trade would cease with any nation or company whose working conditions for their employees do not comply with our view of human rights, whether that be the gold mines or large factories in Taiwan or even the USA.

I think you can see a pattern develop on the thought process that can be summed up, in respect of trade, that we cannot be seen as hypocritical and deal with companies who exploit people or nations.

We of course have a strong workforce and would also concentrate our exports on products that other nations do not have that we can produce and trade with.

Moving on to some other subjects close to the UK hearts. Guns would be banned, as would all weapons, be it knives or whatever. These are only made for a single purpose, death or injury of people or animals and I think that this is the very reason that these should be banned. I am not for banning things in principal and hope that weapons is all that we would be required to outlaw however, if anyone can give a good reason why they require one their submission would be looked at. However, I could not envision any good reason someone would require one and be granted permission.

Weapons affect the streets, as do many other things, on that note prostitution - people would have no need to do this anymore to scrape a living. However, some places would be provided for those that want string less sex. Rooms, hotels if you will, for people with healthy sexual appetites, as it is human nature to have sex and desire, people would still do this and it would not be condemned. On this note I would also say that the subject of sex would be brought out further of the closet. The current shackles passed down from over religious types that frown about sex or see it as taboo or something that should not be discussed. We all know that people do it, we all do, and like everything, people have different tastes and different appetites and if someone wants what other people consider kinky or over the top then so be it. There will be no witch-hunt. In fact it is so natural, like other things, it will be promoted. It is the year 2003 and our attitudes have changed, there is those who think pornography is bad or evil, it is not at all, it is again natural and harmless and their will be changes to the law and attitudes to ensure people are aware that it is this way and that we do not judge others by comparing them to ourselves. Those who do not like it or agree with it – don’t watch or take part in it. In short instead of vocal minorities, again, being very vocal telling others what to do there will be tolerance of all differences and tastes. Think about something, anything you do and I guarantee their will be someone out their who does not agree with it, from eating Pork to Adult Movies, Drugs to wearing hats inside, no matter who you are someone will disagree. As the saying goes do not look at the sty in someone else’s eye without seeing the twig in your own. (or thereabouts).

A large problem here in this country is Northern Ireland, it is like so many hotspots around the world, steeped in history so ingrained that people really have no idea what the troubles are about. The way we would deal with this would be to hold a referendum asking what the people wanted. We would also ask the Republic of Ireland to do the same, if they want NI back or not. We would though take a closer look at NI votes than ROI but each would be considered. Obviously the people in NI would adopt the same moneyless system and they would have that choice on the referendum, to decide if the future is more important than the past. Would the people, Catholics and Protestant alike wish to join our equal state that allows a difference of religion and that helps each other, or they could chose to be united and carry on as they have been, killing each other and being Capitalists. If NI voted to remain part of the UK anyone in N I would be helped in relocation if they wished and vice versa if the vote was to join the ROI any person in NI wishing to relocate to mainland UK would be assisted. I realize that not everyone could ever be happy, no matter what happens, this method however gives the choice to the people and if there is a fairer way I have not heard it. Again ideas or suggestion are welcomed.

Asylum will be a tricky issue though. In principal any person wanting to come to the UK would be allowed however, a few conditions would need to apply, at least initially. There are many thousands of asylum seekers and people coming from war torn countries on fear of death, they would have priority. It would be foolish to open borders to everyone, until other nations follow our lead though. This may not be something I am happy about but realistically it would be needed to give people here a chance first and importantly to not over crowd or impinge on our fragile eco system. Although we cannot tinker in the affairs of other nations, as per my leaps of faith, the thousand of asylum seekers across Europe may well join with the poor of Europe against governments, to fight simply for what is most important Equal Human Rights, especially as I said when they see our system.

On the other matter of the ecosystem, we would have this also as a top priority as it seems more than illogical to poison where we live. We would research means to live as environmentally sound as possible. From reusable natural energy to recycling of waste, from fuel emissions to chemicals in the land sea or air. A programme of replanting forests, a long-term project though, to reintroduce the natural landscape and indigenous plants and wildlife. Large conservation areas would also be introduced. Although perhaps cruel to fish in some people eyes large fish farms, inshore and offshore would be set up to provide fish and to prevent further corruption due to the effects of fishing in the sea. This philosophy would be adopted, at least in the interim. I know some people will feel that the animals bred for food are mistreated or that it is cruel, yet is seems wiser to save the species of all animals by using this controlled method to allow all natural ecosystems in the sea and forest, jungle and sky to reestablish themselves. Again trade embargos would be put in place against countries that are deemed to be non-compliant with our current ecological rulings and our own, soon to be high standards. This would apply to for example, nations who catch endangered species, like whales and sharks (Japan & Norway, etc.), nations that destroy rainforests (Indonesia etc.). Although aid would still be provided to areas of need at first, demands on the countries governments would be raised as we would not provide aid indefinetly. This would also apply to nations that continue to flout emission rulings and human right conventions, including America as we would not be a lap dog to any Superpower.

Another issue I think I’ll mention whilst talking about America is tourism. It is obvious that people could hardly travel abroad without money; also tourists coming here could hardly come and expect to live off the land. It would be unrealistic to think, at first, that we could provide holidays for everyone. Although I would like to stress this would be only temporary. Visitors to our country, I think, would increase for a few reasons, firstly; people would be curious of our new unique system, secondly; all our places of beauty, which as I stated before we would be developing and nurturing, and many other existing reasons that the Tourist Board could tell you.

We would provide a unique tourist experience for our people too. People who want to visit the UK would be provided with the means to do so. Everyone would also be entitled to a very generous number of days off a year, including guaranteed two two-week breaks. We would still have our fleet of aircraft and we would maintain control, if possible, of various UK owned sites abroad to provide places like hotels for our population and places to stay for people wishing to travel abroad. We would also provide a set and agreed amount of local currency to each person. On the flipside we would ‘charge’ entry to this country for holidaymakers at a reasonable rate equivalent to the cost of their stay noting the accommodation they desired and holiday provided. It is also obvious that, although not wanting to prevent people doing what they want, tourists would not be allowed to take a large number of products home. We would provide a selection of terms specifically for the tourist trade, like your Little Loch Ness Monsters or Black pool Tower, or a bottle of single malt, but not much else. With time this would be reviewed to allow greater flexibility. We would not be closing our borders nor shutting people in but again we could not allow the exploitation of our country from outward sources. For this reason, and again it sounds over the top, but until other nations adopt a non-capitalist structure it would be inevitable for people to try and smuggle. For several reasons it would be near impossible - as leaving the country would only be an option at the states request - it would mean nobody could constantly cross borders to enter or exit without close monitoring. By that I should explain, people would be able to leave by land or air at request but would only me given currency when on vacation, and their would be tight controls against this. In addition the bulk of the navy would form a ring around the UK to prevent other ships entering our waters and smuggling in our out of the UK. In essence there would be no gain in wealth for any UK resident.

I can still see initial problems here with an attitude to promote freedom of travel, it could not be to excess, as it would not be in the interest of the people to let one person, or a group of people travel abroad at every turn, thus dropping the risk of smuggling.

People with families abroad would be considered and a detailed programme would be drawn up for this situation. As advised before, telephones, computers, therefore email would be free and provided for everyone who wants it.

Another issue that is a sort of shadow or mirror of education is the arts. There would be widely accessible entertainment in all forms, and it has not escaped me the fact that people of different cultures, age groups and tastes, need different things. There would be provisions made for places from Opera to nightclubs, theaters to live bar music. In a lot of ways life would remain not all that unchanged in many aspects. Jobs would still need to be done, but without the worry that you are not making enough to provide for anyone. People could go out after work to wherever thy wanted, like now, only it would be better equipped, more accessible and free.

Some people would say it is madness and could never work. I for one don’t think so, but let us ask some questions aloud. Can we live with ourselves knowing how so many people live? Can we really allow the planet to be destroyed? Can we the masses, allow a small percent of self-serving power mongers and bearaucrats to strip us of our right to be equal? At the very least do you not think that this is the time to at least try something new? A step so bold that would make the people of the world take stock and see that with only a little effort and change we can improve all our lives. If People want to go on killing their neighbours, who then retaliate, until you have no brothers left and neither do they then what can they say they have achieved? You are the champion of a ruined country with its brightest minds dead. What sort of victory is that? What legacy to leave our children, all to many dead, children getting young called to arms and bred in hatred? If you think this is right then so be it. We will have to agree to strongly disagree. If you feel it would never work then ask what are you afraid to lose? And to those that fight over land or religion, we can show an example that coexistence is how God, Allah, Mohammed, Buddha, whoever would have wanted it to be like. They all said that peace and love our brother or neighbors is they way. Show how can you justify terrorism, war, jihad or dispute for land, a possession, that all they major deities preach against and the even the saints, prophets and Jesus never claimed ownership over land nor possession. Let each person interpret their life compared to the religion they so feverishly follow and let them honestly ask themselves if they are living the word of their God. Ask them to search their soul and conscience and ask if they can sleep easy?

To run the country their would no longer be a prime minister or any president or one head of a party. We would not only have a wide constitution but a pledge to each other, our lives in each other’s hands. The existing houses of parliament would become defunct and the bureaucracy cleared to allow a fast action system. A large selection of people from all walks of life would represent areas around the country and would be in direct contact to the people of the country to advise of any problems, this would be put to the group and the best solution that meets the principles set out to provide people with their needs -against if it would detract from another source, like health. A government agency would be formed to deal with enquiries and suggestions and problems that would be catalogued, identified, prioritized, solved and actioned. Everyone’s input would be valued, as equal and the people would be chosen by regional selection. We would take full advantage of new technologies to ensure faster communication between people and between government officials getting rid of all ‘re tape’. No one person would be able to sit in parliament for a set term of no more than 8 years, or thereabouts. This would prevent any corruption or self-interest forming.

I think that if we all look at it honestly we can see that at least we should try. But you and the people you know, or meet in the pubs should all realize that you do actually have a voice and that it isn’t hard to be heard. If enough people shout the one thing they can make a change. If people think it can’t be done, then ask yourself how long ago and how fundamentally different was it for MLK and the civil rights movement, or Mandela and the ANC or Gandhi in India, each of these only recent in our history. Only one person in a massive struggle against oppression that had gone unchecked and unnoticed until people stood up against tyranny. The difference is now that people have become so self involved that they are scared to let go of what they believe they have achieved. Sometimes it is only when the wolf is at the door that people realize that it is too late.

I wouldn’t be one for scare mongering but if anyone cared to look at current financial trends, global markets, low tax rates, government spending, personal debts, inflation, property prices, post war oil prices, pension holes, and really thought about it they would see the inevitable major crash ahead when the government cannot pay the funds then it is us who have our NI tax increased, our council tax, road tax, Insurance Premium tax, VAT, water tax or whatever other tax you pay. It is just that the few people keep so much that most of us suffer in some form or another. I think it would be smarter to make the changes before there is no money and we are in the black poverty of the depressed 50’s, the 30’s, the 20’s or whatever period you choose another Dark Age or perhaps a nuclear winter, or just global warming. (40% of our ice caps have melted in the past 30 years, Indonesian rainforests will be gone in another 10) or just a market crash and then poverty, whatever way it isn’t too bright or rosy.

You know it also doesn’t really matter what happens in the next life, we should really concentrate on this one and try to make it better for everyone, and if there is an afterlife, then all the better to make the most of this one, if there is not, still better to make more of this one.

So who would disagree? Religious types perhaps – on what grounds? Politicians – I would question why! The rich – well of course they would! Who would agree? Perhaps the green party, Christian Aid, Human Rights, Homeless people, the poor, sick, drug users, pacifists, the list goes on. If these people do not think we should change I’d be very keen to know why. Perhaps though maybe it is only me who sees that, even if it is not for 100 years, the end is nigh.

In short people must decide if they want to make a difference. If you have children look outside your window at the world they are growing up in. If you have brothers or sisters turn on the news to see the state of our planet. If you have friends look at how they struggle to make ends meet. If you have eyes just look. If you have ears listen. If you have a conscience then act upon it. The thing is we can’t all blame everyone else or think that because someone else does it then it is OK. It doesn’t work like that, it only means the problems get worse. It is the same as the problems in our daily lives, if you don’t face them they don’t go away, they only get harder to face.

I am therefore saying to you, dear reader that it is in your hands. You can help make the difference otherwise it all stays the same.

In this age of technology we can communicate with people at an instant, no matter the distance or where you are. If we all said to one friend in the pub or on email, that for 10 minutes you discuss the state of the world and you know how to make it better, say some agreed, then at worst the seeds would be planted and start to spread. People might wait till it is almost at the end. This seems to be the way in the prison of golden bars, as someone once said.

This is only the start of the idea, not the end. This could have been a book with the figures and notes to back up each claim but I’m equally sure someone could find some statistics to show that the contrary is true. I’m sure several people will rubbish all that I have said - let them. History may be our judge, but common sense and our judgment must realize that it is now that we must make the difference. Let us build a future to judge us. We cannot allow the governments to continue like this.

One final note I would say on this is that the Monarchy is another system that would be defunct. Nobility, lordships, peers and titles - these are not birthrights nor important and certainly not God given and once the people who behave like medieval servants waving flags to this system they deem as betters, once you realize that they are flesh & blood, like all of us, perhaps then we can start to move forward.

I will of course be doing another few articles like this. One with facts & figures, it irks me to justify what you have seen, what you know to be the truth in your heart, yet it shall be done.

If you want to ask questions or find out how to make a difference or indeed for any reason email me at [email protected]. A website will be up and running shortly. Until then think about the people around you, stop falling through life just waiting to die, and start to see what living is really about. Pull the wool that’s over your eyes off. Remember that we are all just human.

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