Chicken Burgers

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You haven't gone shopping for ages - it's been raining, or people are coming to visit, or you've been busy with something else - and now you have virtually no food left, just the odd thing in the freezer, milk, bread, butter and cooking ingredients. You can't go shopping until tomorrow. What do you do?

The normal person would probably eat bread and butter, maybe with a filling, or make some snack like foodstuff from the available ingredients.

The unnormal person (like....well, me) would experiment and make something they've never tried before. Like Chicken Burgers. And now I've experienced at first hand the horrors of Chicken Burgers, I feel it's me civic duty to warn others about them.

Basically, you get a load of minced chicken (I can't even remember where it came from, I just saw it in the freezer) add some bread crumbs (or just plain flour if you're an idiot like me) and use and egg to stick the whole thing together. You can also add salt, pepper, spices, miscellaneous green bits etc. to your mixture.

You then divide it up into how many burgers you want and shape them (shape them!? I just dumped them on the foil), and place them on a bit of foil on a tray.

You then leave them to cook.

If you're lucky they'll burn and you won't have to test the vile things.
If you're unlucky they'll cook and you can eat....them reguritate them. The really are disgusting. If they are the only things you have to eat, then try covering them in tomato ketchup. It doesn't make them nice but it does make them bearable. You can aslo try somethering the things in salt, though that isn't that great for your heart of general health.

The best advice is to just steer clear of Chicken Burgers in the first place and stick to normal, edible food.

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