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Many guys have different preferences when it comes to their underwear. Their is an amazing amount of choices for what anybody can wear under their everyday clothes but for guys, the area of underwear lies within three different choices. Briefs, Boxers, and Boxer-Briefs. Briefs give pleanty of support for men but have some retsrictions and the potential to become uncomfortable. Boxers are said to have a lot less support but more freedom. These two types are the dominant types out of the three but that leaves the boxer-brief. The concept of a boxer-brief is that it gives the comfortability of boxers but the support of a brief. Now that this may be true to some, it prooves to me to be the most uncomfortable of the three. They(whoever) say that it is as comfortable as a boxer but really it is displeasuring for most guys because the elastic type material always retracts the leggings up into the crotch area. Therefore becoming a brief within it's unwanted reactions but worse because it is more of a bunch. So advice to the unwise, stay away from the boxer-brief and choose one or the other between boxers or briefs. Being an owner of all three types, I usually trade within the boxers and the briefs, doing my best to stay away from the unfortunate combination that is boxer-briefs.

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