Band of Brothers

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Now I know that many people love to watch war movies because they are filled with action, guns, and explosions. Others say it is for the relationships of soldiers in a time of perril and how they accomplish the impossible with the unity and force of one desperate, determined, and patriotic "Band of Brothers". The WWII TV mini-series, "Band of Brothers" is a masterpiece created by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg. All of the qualities of a perfect war movie are brought together in a series of ten one hour shows. Throughout each show, the viewer is able to see actors develop their characters into something that trigger interest and want for the success of each soldier. Although many of the soldiers die in the series, the viewer can continuously watch some of the few that live through the the torture that is war. The fact that many soldiers are killed or wounded shows the reality of war and the trials that many of the brave had to strive through. Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg really bring the whole show together into an exceptional World War Two piece of art.

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