H2G2SRPGF - Stores, Money, and How to Get It

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A Small Note...

Money will require everyone's cooperation and honesty. Please, if you don't have enough gold for the enchanted sword you want, don't just change how much you have so you can buy it. It causes inflation, and isn't fair to others who want to play fair. We don't have enough time or the will to watch over every transaction, but it'd be more interesting to have some sort of buying/selling system. Thanks.

Earning That Gold

Like most RPGs, we're going to use gold coins. It is a little worn out, but it works. Each character will start with 250 gold to use, which should be recorded in their inventory. Now, 250 gold is a respectable sum, but it won't hold out forever, so you'll need a way to earn more. This can be done in several ways.


Participating in an adventure will earn you gold. Depending on how involved you are, you can earn quite a bit. If you don't do anything but sign up, don't expect too much. More to come later...


The classic h2g2 roleplay encounter is dueling, what we all know and love. Duels will result in money going to both participants (or all, if there are more than two,) with the winner recieving a larger share. A short duel that's simple will earn 100g for each player, with a 50g bonus for the winner. A decent duel that's fairly interesting or creative will earn 150g per player and 75g for the winner. A long duel or a duel that just really stands out will earn 200g per player and 100g for the winner. An Arbiter will decide how much is awarded, and has liberty to award additional amounts for particularly clever or funny moves.


A big part of this RPG is the ability for anyone to open up a shop, and sell their own creations. If you do have an idea for a weapon, armour, spell, potion, or whatever, tell an Arbiter, get it approved, and then you can sell it for whatever price you wish. Of course, each player will be limited to one shop, and each shop will have to have a finite number of items for sale. If everyone was allowed to sell anything, you'd quickly stop caring where you bought things from. In consideration to this, each shop will be limited to selling eight things, be they spells, armour, or whatnot.

Original Creations

If it does so happen that you have a wonderful idea for a spell or item, then you have every right to get it approved, and if you wish, sell it privately. If you don't want to take the time to sell it, we will buy the spell from you for a decent price, and put it on the main page to be used by anyone. This goes for armour and everything else, as well.

Spells, Chi, Psi, and Enchantments

Realism is somewhat approved of in this RPG, and a character's wares should reflect their class, to a certain extent. Due to this, only someone with magical ability should be able to sell spells. If they have only the ability to cast Fire spells, they should only sell Fire spells. The same goes for Chi and Psi. If you can't use them, you wouldn't be able to teach them.

In this same way, a wizard would be unlikely to spend a night or two in the forge making swords, so they wouldn't be selling the swords right off. If they did, they'd have to buy them from someone else, perhaps to enchant them. Just think about your class, and what you'd likely sell with their background!


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