Never too old
Created | Updated Apr 1, 2004
This week in my local paper, The Uxbridge Gazette, they ran a story about a woman called Dorothy who was 100 years old. It was not the normal run of the mill story of a woman in an old people's home looking slightly startled and not knowing what all the fuss was about, Oh no! She was pictured in a dancing pose with her husband Tom of just 8 years. They still go dancing together and to quote form the article:
"... The dancing couple married 8 years ago and Mr Fisher recalls the moment they fell in love. He said: "One night we had been dancing, came home after a few drinks, fell into each others arms and found we were in love with each other. It's got better ever since."
Now I may be wrong but I think that's fantastic. I know I probably won't make that sort of age but if I do I wanna be dancing.
There is a book called Tolstoy's Bicycle giving information about what people did for the fist time at what age. Tolstoy, the Russian writer, didn't learn to ride a bike until he was a middle aged man.
I don't want people to quote from that or any other books but I would love to hear from people who have stuff from their local area who have done stuff (or are still doing stuff) into their twilight years.
And if it's about yourself, all the better