
1 Conversation

Unlike most of the civilised galaxy, which has the good sense to leave things like choosing interest rates and setting
government policy to those most qualified - voodoo practitioners and fortune tellers - Earth has the curoius habit
of allowing Economists to do so. This has had a number of unfortunate effects, ranging from Home Shopping to
the Microsoft Corporation.

There are a number of tell-tale signs that you may be dealing with an economist. For instance, use of the phrase 'let
the market sort itself out' is a dead giveaway. If confronted by an Economist, don't panic! Economists are unique among
Earth's inhabitants in that they can always be bribed. This is because they believe there should be a market for
everything, including their own integrity. Be aware that money bribes will not work directly on Academic Economists,
and in this case you will need to offer them a 'grant', which is simply a bunch of money with a strange foundation
name attached.

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