
2 Conversations

Why do people wear false hairpieces? The predominant reason is a lack of their own fertile follicles. In a environment where most individuals have hair sprouting from their heads, clearly visible for all to see, the minority who are without flowing locks can feel self-conscious and out of place.

How then can we begin to understand what led to the invention of the Merkin. A Merkin is a false hair piece for the pudendum (mound above the genitals). In short (and curly), a Merkin is a Pubic Wig.

Who, you may well ask, feels so self-conscious about their lack of pubic hair, that they would...

a) whilst looking at their naked genitals, suspect that maybe someone makes pubic wigs.

b) decide to try to find out where they could purchase one.

c) be willing to be measured up for one.

d) be willing to 'attach' one given that it must someday be removed - have you ever removed a fake moustache !!!!

And furthermore, before you rush of to purchase a Merkin, you may want to consider what sort of an individual would decide to make a career of sticking hair to peoples genitals!

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