Sesame Street

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Welcome to Sesame Street! On the surface, it appears to be a friendly, cheerful land where anthropomorphic alphabet-people, talking animals, monsters, space aliens, and intelligent plants co-exist merrily along with humans.

But that's just the surface. The facade. No community is truly this happy. Sure, the "principal characters" are happy and well adjusted, in an elementary-school kinda way, but that entirely ignores the seedy underbelly of this world.

Places Of Interest

Over there, on the corner. That's where Siegfried T. Snake does business. If you want somethin' on Sesame Street, he can get it for you. Who do you think gets the surprisingly rare bottle caps for Bert's collection? Who do you think ensures that Oscar The Grouch can keep a steady supply of trash heading his way, despite the rapid rise in recycling programs. Who do you think keeps Cookie Monster supplied in his five dollar a week habit?1 It's all Siegfried.

Look at that Stoop in front of the apartment building at 321 Sesame Street. That's where most of this place's action goes down. Home viewers don't get to see some of the more disturbing things that happen there. Prairie Dawn, one of the long-standing customers at Hoopers', had a fight with Zoe, a newer monster on the block, once. Pretty ugly. They pretended to make up for it, but people still prefer not to talk about it. Prairie Dawn doesn't even show her face in public for more than a few minutes at a time these days. She always seems happy when she comes out, but we don't really know for sure. It could be an act, or maybe she just spends time studying. That'd explain how she got all the way to 50 during the last counting game she was in. But who knows?

There it is. Hoopers' Store. Word on the street is, lotsa stuff goes down there. Even the Fixit Shop next door seems a bit dependant on it. It's a community center, and as such, that's where the big deals happen. I was there when Telly didn't share his bowl of Jell-O with Elmo. Word on the street is, Telly wanted it all for himself, and Elmo didn't have enough money to buy any Jell-O. Normally Hooper solves that type of problem by just giving some Jell-O to the other kid, but he was on a lunch break and the attendant on-duty didn't know how stuff works here. Telly got some Jell-O to Elmo the next day, but it wasn't in a Hoopers' bowl, so the situation's still unresolved. Guess we'll have to wait just a bit to learn more....'cuz that's the way things hang at Sesame Street. You got the 4112 on this place now, Yo. Better learn the ropes, else "sunny day"'ll have a new broom for sweeping clouds away, if you know what I mean.
1That's right, five dollars. One, two, three, four, five. Count 'em. That's how we do things here.2How big is 411? Let's find out. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,....

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