breast ascii art

4 Conversations

If you wanna draw some breasts for some reason then here is some hints.

Simple cupsizes

OOAA or A cup
(o)(o)B cup
( o )( o )C cup
{ o }{ o }D or DD cup

More complex pairs

There are many different variations of these and if you know any important ones which I missing please inform me of them (by e-mail or discussions).

Nipple Variations

(^)(^)Cold (erect nipples)
(O)(O)Big nipples
(.)(.)Tiny Nipples
(*)(*)High Nipples
(%)(o)Triple Nipple

Shape and Misc

VVSmall Conical
[o][o]Android type thing
( )( )T-Shirt Bra
UUSmall and Saggy

Finishing statements

Use these wisely, do not abuse them.
They are a way of life.
Do not let them control you.
Oh! and mix and match them to make your own constructions.
Have lots of fun.


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