The CGE rundown
Created | Updated Mar 22, 2004
Since it is becoming more and more apparent that the Grand Admiral is not going to finish is story about the CGE at A1971993,so I'm going to do it for him.
Early Spring 20011
After decourating his bedroom with only moral support from his friends, Mauritania recives a phone call from a mysterious bloke who wants to meet him. After watching EastEnders, Mauritania meets him at the central station café. The mysterious bloke calls himself Kamidake and offers Mauritania his space station who is still skeptical about the whole affair. Kamidake explains he is the reminent of a long lost empire which used to reside on Earth but was wiped out and human society was forced to start more/less from scratch. Mauritania invites his closest friends (Rachael and Jesse)with him to visit the station. After a farce at Newcastle airport, they arrive at the station.
We the advice from the newly English speaking computer, Mauritania turns the space station into the first orbital nightclub with help from the party animal known as Chris, however once the place starts to die down, aliens arrive and Mauritania decideds to blow up the space station and everyone escapes safely to an area outside St. Petersberg.
Determined to get revenge after losing his nightclub, Mauritania uses some of the recently aquired hi-tech equipment manages to find an alien spacecraft and board it. The alien ship in question, is a research vessel which had abducted an person but quickly feel into Mauritania's control with the help of his friends and nightclub bouncers. The alien spaceship in question quickly comes under attack by American missiles. The spaceship crashes in Germany and causes Mauritania to become more determined to find out about what is going on.
Easterish 2001
The Greys (the aliens) decide that Mauritania is considered a threat and launch an assault on the Rising Sun farm where Mauritania is walking with his friends. The Greys attack with superior weapons but still deflect off there personal shielding, Mauritania's forces are teleported in and laser fight ensues, in the closing minutes of the fight Jesse's shield is disabled and is shot by a Grey, she then slowly dies in Mauritania's arms.
The first death of one of Mauritania's closest friends forces an immense amount of guilt on him and he becomes depressed. Half of Mauritania's friends no longer want anything to do with him and he is forced to quit his college. Mauritania travels to Siberia (by transit) to seek advice from Kamidake. Kamidake showed him the past through a temperal doorway leading to Terra Altantia, and then tells him the absolute truth of Earth history from he who lived, He learns the Grey's have been minipulating humans throughout history, from sending representives down to teach us to be peaceful to creating the AIDS virus to reduce the human population. When Mauritania asks why, Kamidake does'nt know and asks Mauritania to find out. Kamidake gives Mauritania building nannities and laptop to tell them what to do.
Summer 2001
Mauritania builds a probe platform in the Siberian forest, he sends out probes throughout the Solar system to find out wether Kamidake is telling the truth. When the probes simutanleously get destroyed, Mauritania accepts the truth.
September 2001
As the worst terrorist attacks in the history of mankind occur, more bad news arrives for the people of North Tynesdie as Mauritania returns. The people blame Mauritania for Jesse's death and is subsequently arrested. Just as Mauritania is about to be sent to court, Racheal appears and helps Mauritania find the evidence he needs that it was'nt his fault. They come to the conclusion that people want Mauritania out the way when despite inconclusive proof, Mauritania is sentanced to jail. Rather than wait to appeal, Racheal helps Mauritania escape. During the coming weeks though the media exclaims that the evidence is conclusive and the man-hunt for Mauritania ends, offically.
Mauritania is accepted to go to a Sixth form college while he plans his next move. Mauritania then meets a Canadian girl (Tina Atteral) who explains that he was set up by the American military. As the pieces fall together, he plans to launch an assault on the Norad Mountain Complex and the Los Alamos Research facility. It takes a lot of convincing but a month later, his force becomes a strong number.
October 2001
As the raids are underway, Mauritania steals every document and copies every computer file possible. THe Los Alamos supercomputer gives him some trouble however he manages to blow it up. Once the battles start to turn they retreat after heavly damaging both facilities. The Americans then aquire a dislike to Mauritania and vice virsa. When funds become dry after the engagement, Mauritania is forced to buy a few failing firms to drain, however with advanced technology the companies come quickly into prophit
November 2001
Since membership to the newly formed CGE is highly exclusive, North Tyneders fail to reliase that the orgnaisation exists, which is why Mauritania is invited to a party without the need for security. At this party he meets a girl, recently moved up from the Home Counties, who he learns is an econmic and finanical expert (The sexy, the delightful Fenella Churchton [Fenchurch]). He then asks her kindly if she would run a few of his businesses. Affection between the two grow as the month runs on, and on the 15th of NOvember 2001, the two finally kissed.
This causes alot of resentment from Rachael, as on the same night she planned on doing the same. After seeing them finish kissing she runs to Tina and asks for her advice. Tina said ignore Fenchurch and just ask him out anyway, taking her advice seriously Racheal goes to see Mauritania, who is planning to move the CGE headquaters to an arid-area in Mali, so they can land there transits easly without hastle from the airport. Mauritania asks Racheal to stay and run the Tyneside branch of the CGE while he and Fenchurch go off on an extended romantic holiday to Mali2.
December 2001
As things began to settledown, the Mali branch is attacked by American special forces who kidnap Fenchurch and imprision her on the moon. Feeling insecure, Mauritania closes down the Mali branch and moves back to Tyneside. Mauritania consults Kamidake when it appears he has absolutly no idea what to do, after witnessing his mental breakdon Kamidake lets Mauritania borrow the last ship from the FGE3 days which Kamidake abandoned underneath the Indian Ocean with no way to reach it. The PDF4 lend a hand to reach the ship, so Mauritania attacks the moon.
Mauritania's landing forces quickly find Fenchurch after a surreal gun-battle with the Lunar Nazis5, once Mauritania and Fenchurch return home Racheal decides to keep her mouth shut about her feelings for Mauritania
Januarary 2002
After aquiring his new FGE guradian-class destroyer, which has the style, elagance and grace of a guradian-class destroyer6, Mauritania sneaks past the web of security in the Oort cloud pretecting the solar system. After travelling towards a world 15,000 lightyears away (seven hours travel ion-powered hyperdrive speed) they find an abandant desert world which used to be a FGE colony before they were wiped out. Mauritania cleans the place up and it becomes the new base of power for the CGE.