what did you do today

2 Conversations

Life in the fast lane all red zones and black ink
black sheets white light, night sights .
back seat dates and baneful wails
Blind drunk mates, contemplates .
Initiating empty receptacles ,
Reacting to some worries,
about some ineffective
Stepping stones
Run rife
Life it
A duck
For sure I
Drunk from well
Those spells that you
Wove in the we’ve have to
Believe that if peter pan can then
So can I sew a spiders web weave and
Receive with this net from far crossed this
Cyberspace place ,all pixels and pixies ,tricks ye
And flicks ye pricks thee and nicks the thoughts from
Your mind , this peculiar feeling ,surreal for real to reel
When reading revealing ,thoughts last thought in the presence
Of the impressionable confessor in the confession booth the truth is
Bound to be found out in the open ,but hidden from the would by the plea’s
And the needs fulfilled from the well ,ifs and do that ,too and all complete. make me
Then take me apart once again, then start at the beginning do that so I can take note of the
Button to push to call you ,this ewer we all drink from ,honed from some sweet song all lyrical
Indecorous but glorious ,indelicate delicacies ,one’s thoughts are brought to life

installed a new web browser firefox or first impressions lead me to think so.
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On the subject that brought you here
So what made me laugh today 01-04-2004 13:42 bstgmt
Those of you from here F38024 have been closely following events
over the last few days I was origanly was going to post to 42 but saw post
40 when saw it could not resist,is this the ghost of bob(hoo) check out who was
the post before tube of to "Vienna" to this years Vis moot(to me Viz)corky the cat
U55226 <ant>fait accompli (never mastered Latin)masticated maybe "Ce la vie" Que sera esta Manyana and all that.
But things be read this story can be understood you will need to read all of http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/F19585?thread=143046&skip=0&show=200
the post 40 41/42 to my content some in-between ,it will posts 9 and 3001 including back links are interwoven with Dave B4 you understand
do one of two things, ever read catch 22 , dont know which to suggest you read first but I will ask you if you think that this thread should be added to the school curriculem,read in sanitoriums,Todays little gems confirm it.
post 321 of the thread
So this bloke says to me, "Can I come in your house and talk about your carpets?". I thought "That's all I need, a Je-hoover's witness".
Basil brush eat your heart out

U444452 will lead you to A218206 son of Bob ?
MY thread of the day todays featured writer
and a little tittle tattle
I find it perpexly,displeaseing to find
every ones teaseing
,He certaintly not leaveing on time
The trains are not running on time

Was poopica so soupica,is Licksea a bit tipsy ?
Plaugesville in over spill Was it a Appegio beat to the line
in this
madistic sadistic, bombastic,elasctic,mysterious,hillerious
conspeareous,delerious devious,decieveus diabolical conspirical plot

There are names here and dates here ,even who worked late here ,a elusive,subclusive,
far from conducive ,subteranian plot,you will sea fishes and flashes of massives,.

For post sixty nine looked terribly fine, even online you could view it ,one time but you had to be there quite quike
there was sqaukeing and some squcking,chickens came clucking with some Buritos to dried out in a fridge!Theres post a forty two ,it was about whoe's Hoo? or am i being incredibly thick,Petas upset , and theres denial of Lekz,theres even talk of the occult, Re Leaders in medium,amongst all this tedium,plus a comment of freedom to speach about Text, Transparent inflections on inspectors inspection , reflecting, diffractions deflecting, a image on line
Efaceing , enthuseis ,deflecting confuseions by decieveing you believeing ,translucention solutions ,by obtrusions about revealing illusions revelalations,concerning a small goblins yearning ,Subjecting, all good little boys to a fear of the dark.


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