Contact Lenses

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For those of you who are fortunate enough to wear contact lenses (well..Er..depending on whether or not you think you're fortunate)
You know that the contact lense obeys it's own laws of existance.
And you will also know that no matter how hard you try you can never fully understand the meaning of these laws.

- Whether or not you choose to put in "your" contact, it is up to the contact itself whether it wants to stay in your eye.

- At any given morning (or night, depending if you're at college and sleep all morning) the contact could with out warning revolt and wage war on your eye. You know what this means: bloodshot red, for the next three days. "What have you been doin? *wink wink*" you might get from your friends.

- No matter how many times you stick it in that little jar
cleany-thingy it will never become clean. Period. You will always see the most appealing smudges all over the surface.

- When ever the contact decides to jump right off your finger tip, just before it reaches your eye, it will always land in one of two spots. One: the most dirty spot it can find on your bathroom sink. You know, the soap scum, hair filled left over hairspray residue.
Or two: the most obvious place in the world, your nose! Which of course you'll never look there. First you'll check the floor, than the sink, than your shirt and definatly the contact case you just took it out of (trust me on that one, it's happened before). But never your nose, you have to wait 'till you see your first friend who won't laugh at you and be honost to tell you that you have a contact lense on your nose (that part could take a while).

- Even though they tell you not the wear your contacts in the pool, they will never come out, never. But do you know when they do pop out? When ever they want to, which is usually during the most passionate time you could possibly have with your mate, and I use the term 'mate' as loosly as I can.

Tysbe Perich

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