Le Roy

2 Conversations

For those of you who are desperatly in search of East Bum, I have found it. However it goes by the name of Le Roy, New York. Allow me to highlight the deciding factors.

pop- about 5,500-6,000

-though there is a smaller population there are nine or ten different churches

-There are three discount dollar stores (like we really need them)
-Two fast food chains (like we really need them)
-One High school/middle school/grade school all in the same complex (some say like we really need them)
-two grocers (like we really need them)
-absolutly no place to buy any sort of clothing, nor shoes (we do need them)
-several fine dinning establishments which hardly bring in any outside business (which would be pointless if they did 'casue you wouldn't be able to do anything here but eat fast-food and go to church)
-and only four guide researchers

So it is quite easy to say that Le Roy is Boring, well Mostly Boring.

Tysbe Perich

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