
1 Conversation

I have often wondered about a very simple idea, this idea is so simple I'm sure you have as well wondered about it, and if you haven't, well maybe it's not really that simple. The idea
(we'll let the idea be know as "THE IDEA" for the sake of glitz and glamor) is this... everyone is able to see colors, sees colors, right? But do we see the same colors? We all recognize the color red as being But is the red I see the same red you see. Maybe my red is actualy your green. Do you get the idea, excuse me THE IDEA? I'm surethere will a scientific mind out there that will say "Yes, they are the same." But how would you really tell. As far as I'm aware, eye transplants haven't been perfected yet due to optic nerve complications. So basically, THE IDEA holds the same pricipals as the tree falling in the forrest bit. What do you think?

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