Limp Bizkit

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This is a Rock/Hip-Hop crossover band whose members all grew up in Jacksonville, FL, USA.

The members of the band are:-
Fred Durst - Vocals
Wes Borland - Guitar & Backing Vocals
Sam Rivers - Bass & Backing Vocals
John Otto - Drums
DJ Lethal (formeerly of House of Pain) - Decks/SFX

They have signed with Flip and Interscope Records and have cut two albums so far. The first, Three Dollar Bill Y'all$ (Not a typo), launched them into the limelight with songs inspired by the betrayal that Fred had suffered, especially at the hands of the "fairer" sex. Their second album, Significant Other, was a lot cleaner than the first, in terms of style of execution. This album saw more heavy rock and hip hop tones and guest appearances. Notable names included Jon Davies, lead singer of KoRn, Scott Wheelan and Method Man of the Wu Tan Clan (I still haven't played Taste the Pain, the Clan game for Playstaion). It met with critical acclaim and won 5 K's (top score) in a Kerrang magazine review. Also, the cover art is some of the best I have ever seen. There is a new third album, Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavoured Water, which is real cool. I'll spy for an official review in the coming months.

Notable songs from the band are:-
Leech - the demo track they cut for Flip and Interscope. Tells of an annoying friend who will not leave Fred alone.

Nookie - About staying with a girl who treats him like crap and then saying he was only in it for the sex at the end.

Break Stuff - Summed up by the opening line "It's just one of those days where you don't wanna wake up, everything is f**ked, everybody sucks...". It's about having a bad day :-)

There are many other songs by them but you'll have to get hold of them yourself! They have released singles of Take A Look Around and My Generation, from their new album. Look under Metal or Rock in your local CD store.

Their new song, Take A Look Around, may seem unknown but it's rather substantial claim to fame is that it is the theme, signature and trailer song for the new movie Mission Impossible 2, starring the ever diminuative Tom Cruise.

A monumentus occasion was brought forth in 1998. The Family Values tour, organized by KoRn and their record label Immortal, was truly a sight to behold. Bands who loved to rock were assembled around the USA for a spectacular show. In 1998 the line up included KoRn, Limp Bizkit, Orgy, Ramstein and Ice Cube. The new group, signed by LB for Flip/Interscope, Stained was added to the lineup for the 1999 tour. Not only did these bands play their own sets but also joined in with other acts. KoRn crossed with LB and Ice Cube. Orgy roped in Jon davies and a fun time was had by all! Notably, LB has hooked up with Eminem for several songs and perhaps Eminem will be persuaded onto the 2000 Family Values Tour.

Also LB look out for the little guy and all their fans. They are advocators of the phenomenon of MP3s. Many of the big pop icons, who will remain nameless (Elto- Oops) for reasons that I don't want me or the Guide getting sued, feel that the small dent in their multi millions made by people donloading MP3s is most heinous. LB are active supporters of Napster, an MP3 browsing site, who were recently taken to court over this incident. LB believe that MP3s are the best way for fans to appreciate their music online and for new bands to get listened to.

Some rumours about LB are bouncing around. It is said, even by site authors at the official Limp Bizkit website, that the band were discovered by Jon Davies when Fred was applying a tatoo. It is also rumoured that Fred got pissed off at a security guard at a tour and hit him with a baseball bat. All I can say is, Whatever.

For all your LB and related needs - The official site and you can get an email address & - Official band and fan site

URL removed by moderator & URL removed by moderator - For MP3 coolness

Well there ya go, enjoy the band. The Carling Reading and Leeds festivals rocked!!

I could make this into GuideML with pics and album covers if someone can help me.

Praise, flames and Hentai pics to [email protected] or [email protected]

Comin' at ya from Jackrabbit's hole, byatch!

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