My trip to Libya

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*** A work in progress - these are just section headings ***

Arabic page in my passport
Duplicate value

drive through the border post
drive along the coast
The attentions of the police
The first glimmerings of Nordic Problems

Roman Sites
The Splendid Professor

The Big Drive South
Hubble Bubble interlude
Meal in a cave
Splendid Hotel (!)

Into 4WDs
Martin's accident

The Desert
Akakus Mountains
Sleeping under the stars
Musical evenings
Rock carvings
Mr Magoo
Nordic Chum departs
News from Nordic Chum! A guest of the authorities!
Tents in a hut
The Ubari Sand Sea
Driving fun and male egos
Melted Village


The Museum
Dinner in the souk
Not Much Menace...

Home through Rome

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