Otis the Aardvark

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Of famous aardvarks there is only one who readily springs to mind, Otis the Aardvark.

Otis was a TV link presenter for Children's BBC. He was a worthy sucessor to Gordon the Gopher and Ed the Duck. He also appeared in many sketchlets in a variety of personas some of which include Sister Otis (an anteater nun) and a mad professor.

The love of Otis's life was Miss Katy Hill a presenter on the long running Blue Peter programme. A current theory as to why Otis gave up presenting CBBC is the fact that his one true love announced her engagement and got married. This left a heart broken Otis unable to announce her arrival on screen at 5:10 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Otis was believed to have recently auditioned for a part in Die Hard 4:The Aadrvark's Harder, alongside action hero Bruce Willis, over in Hollywood.

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