The People That You Meet

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As a Banquet Server at the Hotel Beausejour in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada , which is now the Delta Beausejour instead of a Canadian Pacific Hotel. This of course makes no difference because CP Limited owns both companies.
But I digress, my point is that doing this kind of work gives me an up close and personal look at some of the famous and infamous people that share our planet.
In this mediocre city of 100,000 souls we have entertained rock stars, figure skaters, diplomats and dictators. One such event we hosted this past summer was the Sommet de la Francophonie ( Summit of French Speaking Nations).
For one week our little known city hosted 52 heads of state from around the world. As Head Server I was awarded the distinct pleasure of serving tea and coffee to Jacques Chirac and the President of Vietnam (whose name I could never spell let alone pronounce).
We also recieved many unusual requests. At least they were to us. Such as a gazelle barbecue, trying to find an eight foot long bed for the leader of Senegal, and finding a truck to carry a ton (literally) of electronics to the airport. Congo went shopping.
The most surprising fact during that week, was the lack of demonstrators. Several of the leaders we hosted are widely viewed as bloodthirsty tyrants whose daily appointments consist of ordering up an ethnic cleansing or two.
On one hand, I'm disappointed in the apathy of Moncton, but I was grateful for the lack of bomb threats and violence that have occurred at other such events in other cities in the world.
Thank Goodness our next major event is the East Coast Music Awards. This is basically a four day kitchen party. Most definitely not as stuffy!
Until next time, goodbye from the East Coast of Canada. See ya later, eh!?

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