Amiga Owners

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Oh, to be an Amiga owner. The joys of owning such a sterling example of marketing expertise and technological prowess.
We probably all knew one once. "I've got an amiga. Consoles ? Pah, they're kiddies toys. A PC? Don't make us laugh, all it can do is spreadsheets. You'll never be able to play a good game on one of them". I should know. I was there. I was one of them.

Now, it's a different story. At least, the rest of the universe has realised anyway. They're still there, chipping away. "Ah, but we've been rescued now. It's going to come back bigger, better, beige-er than ever. You'll all want one. The PC's dead in the water, buy an Amiga, it's great. Anyway, did you know that they used Amiga's for the graphics on Babylon 5? It's true you know".

Poor deluded fools........

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