All Nighters

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There are many reasons to pull what is termed an 'All Nighter'<BR/>
Good ones include a party, some work you should have had done a long time ago or a clinical illness.<BR/><BR/>
All Nighters are relatively easy to achieve. Simply don't go to bed. Your body will continually prod you for sleep, but fear not - after a while it gives up and finds something better to do.<BR/>
The real trick for the proper All Night effect is to face the following day as it is a common misconception that you can catch up on your sleep the next morning. Supposed All Nightees have been known to pull a sickie from work/school/whatever or even to set aside time afterwards for sleep. THIS IS CHEATING.<BR/><BR/>
Stay awake, the only way out is through. And remember - coffee is your friend. <BR/><BR/>

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