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I will laugh if this gets in, I mean why should it? Why for that matter am I sat in front of this computer? Why can I not just let it rest? Why can't I move my ass and put one foot in front of the other? Why is my ass stuck to this seat?
dead dying died deal dull fed own night night fire now never fear eat or oil jelly jam fantasy fun energy
heart love sh*t joy
hope kill few
I foe lean flap, gap, lap

I am here, as you are there as we are everybody
see how they fly like pigs from a gun
see how they run
I'm flying, I'm flying

sitting on a pancake
waiting for the bell to toll
I'm going nowhere
been somewhere
looked not everywhere
can't move
losing hope
needing something
look inside
look outside

throw myself
with vigour
rears its head
asking myself why

veer away from there
be nice
be pc
I like pc
my pc likes me

it's only poetry
to say
I don't care

so difficult
a journey
2 journeys
get to the end
please let me get there soon
pain is what I am feeling
so tired
can't get no rest
can't get no rest
when will it come?
no none will read this anyway.
who am I trying to kid?

come on,
come on,
can't be long,
it is written
but it is not

it can't be
so much fear
so much hurt
so much paranoia
this won't be printed
it will be censored out of existence

just like all the rest
and I will get you into trouble
and I am mistreated and I run away

come on
come on
line 1 love
line 2 heart
line 3 soul
line 4 bravery sticks in my throat#
line 5 parents
line 6 siblings
line 7 sick
line 8 change
line 9 rain
line 10 I can deal with it
line 11 please let it turn out nice
line 12 steer clear
line 13 inspiration
line 14 come on
line 15 nearly there
line 16 take the bus, go by bike
line 17 pain
line 18 do you feel the same?
line 19 do something about it?
line 20 always?
line 21 that simple?
line 22 no
line 23 no

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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