vampire rights
Created | Updated Aug 5, 2004
"My friend Harker was quite upset understandably after what the three women did to him. It's obvious he wasn't quite well and the so called child he heard in the sack wich I brought for my wives was nothing more than a small pig wich when muffled sounds alot like a child's whimper." He then goes on to say about an episode outside the window of Harker's room where a Gypsie says "Monster give me my child." What was really siad was "Master bring me my child" Which if you remember Draculas servants were Gypsies so it is perfectly reasonable that the woman could of lost her child.
The point is that even vampires have rights. The Bill Of Rights says that all men are created free and equal, if this is the case then why what does that mean for vampires what does it mean by men obviously it means all man kind for other wise women and children would not apply towards the Constitution. now we still come to a problem and that is are vampires people. This is a very interesting question where vampires were at one time living people they are now stuck ina a bind where they are not alive but not dead either. Us it not enough that they are cursed to walk the daknes in a never ending afterlife. If you ask them you might find that they wish for death a perfect exaple Anne Rices Interview With A Vampire Luis wants to end his tormented afterlife but is still driven by the human desire to live. It is the proffesional opinion of this researcher that Vampires are covered as people by the Constitution.