Rasco And The Rats Of NIMH

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Written by Jane Leslie Conley, this is the sequel to the v successful Mrs Frisby And The Rats Of NIMH by Robert C O’Brian (or Robert Leslie Conley). Notice how I’ve spelt it ‘Rasco’, when it’s actually ‘Racso’. I spent ages thinking it was Rasco, until 2 days ago when it finally dawned on me. Still, Rasco sounds a lot better, doesn’t it?

This is set three years after the events in MFaTRoN (hee hee;-)), and Timothy is now in the habit of going to Thorn Valley for his schooling. Martin, by the way, now has a mate. Cynthia and Teresa are only referred to.
Anyway, this time, instead of being flown to Porn Valley (hee hee;-)) he has to walk. And on the way he meets Rasco, a stunted rat who is in the process of drowning. Timothy saves him and they become friends. From here on, the story is based around Rasco as he tries to fit into Thorn Valley society. Rasco is a city rat, and things are done very different in the city.
Rasco finds fitting in difficult at first, and resorts to a good deal of lying, which doesn’t go down well. He makes a good friend, Christopher, and introduces some of his city traits to the younger rats. Things like dancing, music, chocolate, flushing toilets (;-)) Sorry, couldn’t resist a stab at the bumpkins.
But a problem is facing the Valley. A certain capitalist s**t-a**e (I wanna be ANARCHY!) wants to build a dam, flood the valley and make money. The rats must stop him, but how? Read the book, dipstick. I will say this, they’re a cunning bunch of m**********s.
A few minor problems crop up along the way. Timothy is nearly killed by the Great Owl (yup, he’s not dead yet), Rasco is a pain in the ass (as Isabella and Nicodemus could have said), Christopher falls terribly ill and that. It makes terrific reading.

The martyrs from Mrs Frisby are named, which is nice. And, seeing as this was written after the film was released, it seems the author decided to try and rectify one of the things that the film changed from the book. At the end of Rasco, Mrs Brisby notices that Nicodemus has aged a little bit. The fur at the end of his nose is turning grey. Which is kinda funny, seeing as in the film he’s virtually a vegetable.
Also, the book has a v nice surprise at the end. Suffice to say I never expected it for the life of me. Go on, read the book. You can’t miss a surprise, can ya?


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