A Conversation for Oprah Winfrey - Talk Show Host and Philanthropist

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 21

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

her title like Miss UK or Miss Ireland.

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 22

Gnomon - time to move on

Yes, but is it a beauty pageant?

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 23

Gnomon - time to move on

Here's the answer to the "talkingest" thing, everybody.

"[People] would say to my grandmother, 'Hattie Mae, this child sure can talk. She is the talkingest child," Winfrey tells CNN. "I received my sense of value, my sense of esteem, my sense of who I was, my sense of well-being, from speaking out loud."

That's a quote from www.people.com.

So that should be phrased:

[People] would say to my grandmother, 'Hattie Mae, this child sure can talk. She is the talkingest child'. I received my sense of value, my sense of esteem, my sense of who I was, my sense of well-being, from speaking out loud.
- Opray Winfrey

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 24

Gnomon - time to move on

Here's a page about a girl who won the "Miss Fire Prevention" title:


It doesn't seem to be a beauty pageant to me, it is awarded for being a Fire Prevention Officer.

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 25

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - ta Gnomon

I've found two entries that support the fact that Miss Fire Prevention was a contest


A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 26

Gnomon - time to move on

That second link makes it clear that it was a beauty pageant, despite the name. So you might like to put it in a note saying that.

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 27

Gnomon - time to move on

I suggest

... she was crowned Miss Fire Prevention, which despite the name is a beauty pageant.

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 28

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

suggestion used smiley - ta

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 29

Gnomon - time to move on

You can now remove the phrase "People would say to her grandmother" just before the blockquote.

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 30

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host
Author - Opticalillusion

When she was six she went to live with her mother in Milwaukee and ran away from home at the age of thirteen

(numbers ten and under are written, eleven and over are displayed as figures) smiley - smiley

smiley - tea

I'm not happy with the title (description), Oprah is an Academy Award-nominated actress, the most philanthropic African American ever and possibly the most influential woman in the world.

Would you be happy with Oprah Winfrey - Actress and Talk Show Host or Oprah Winfrey - Talk Show Host and Philanthropist ??

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 31

Gnomon - time to move on

I think you'd have to list "Chat Show Host" first, as that is what really made her famous and earned her the money to be a philanthropist.

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 32

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

no problems corrections made smiley - magic

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 33

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thank you Opti smiley - smiley

I'm happy with the Entry nowsmiley - ok

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 34

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - boingsmiley - smiley

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 35

Gnomon - time to move on

was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, USA 29 January, 1954 -->
was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, USA on 29 January, 1954

I'm concerned about this quote:
"I was just happy to be on TV, but as the years evolved, I grew and wanted to say something without the show"

"say something without the show" doesn't really make any sense. If it was "say something with the show" it would make sense; she would be using the show to say something meaningful. In fact on the following website:


it is given as "say something with the show" and I think you should change it to that.

the author had mislead her --> the author had misled her

Other than those three points, I'm happy with it.

smiley - smiley G

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 36

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

There's no need to mention this in the Entry Opti, but I recall a show on which her guest was a recently-bankrupt pop star. When the girl confessed that she had "trusted too much" and said "you can't keep track of every penny" Oprah stopped her and said "Yes you can. If you had, you wouldn't be in the mess you're in now" - or words to that effect. It proved to me that Oprah keeps a tight hold on her own finances, and very sound advice.

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 37

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

with a wave of smiley - magicsmiley - winkeye the problems have been sorted.

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 38

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - applause

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 39

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I agree

smiley - applause

A23903859 - Oprah Winfrey - chat show host

Post 40

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - ta

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