Night time
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Its main characteristic is dark. Dark being the absence of light. Or as the Collins dictionary defines it: Without light; deep in tint; unenlightened; absence of light.
The dark of course, has a relationship with the light. If they were people, the dark would probably say "Oh yeah, Light. Great guy that, we've known each other for what seems like forever. We never seem to see each each other anymore, but we always keep in close contact"
It is odd that night is generally unremarked in our society. It has many unique characteristics and has a profound effect on people in general.
In order to appreciate its effects on the average human being, it is required for one to reverse the natural laws of society. In laymans terms, spend a week living at night and sleeping during the day. Only then will you fully understand and recognise it's subtle influence, as you will then be able to view it objectively against the normal settings of day time.
One of the most obvious side effects of night, is the seemingly unspoken rule that night time is the time to drink alcoholic liquids. This may be a subconcious decision by the brain. The thought being that if the world is dark, then maybe the brain is in need of some shrouding itself. It is further reinforced by societies shunning of daytime drinking. A daytime drinker will usually be thought of as an alcoholic.
The most startling effect of night, is the way it changes peoples character.
At night, the normal laws of looking grumpy, pushing past people, and hurling obsenities at strangers, are replaced. On this point you may dissagree, but it must be realised that many of the people who carry this behaviour over from the day, are the people who have been drinking.
If you bump into a stranger (sober stranger that is) at night, he/she/they will often forget about being self concious and start a coversation: an activity rarely persued in the day time. They are atleast twice as helpfull, far more happy, and generally more human (Maybe less human if you are more used to the day time).
A wise man once said that was like a shroud on the world. I prefer to think that it is a lifting of said shroud. I also prefer to think of this 'wise man' as an idiot, and the people who called him wise as, and I quote, "A bunch of raving madmen who are sure to evolve some century soon".
So take a trip to nightsville sometime. I assure you of a good time
Arthur Dent, somewhere around 5am