Hotels in Newtown, Sydney, Australia

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Without any doubt, even though the Carlisle Castle has lost some of its appeal since the renovations were done ( Sorry, no more pot bellied stove or rain affected third pool table), it is still the best place to go for a quiet drink with friends.

Being located in a residential street a few blocks from King street means that the large majority of visitors to the area are blissfully unaware of the Carlisles existence, which is part of the reason for it's charm, along with the friendly locals, marble bar, availability of pool tables and the possibility of hearing a bunch of local musos jamming aroung the piano.

There is free pool on tuesday nights before the mixed doubles pool competition (free entry, $100 prize money) and a singles comp on thursday nights (cost of game, $100 prize money).The jukebox selection is only average, and the bistro is overpriced and to be avoided, except perhaps for the Berroca breakfast on the weekends.

You are much better off going to the Courthouse Hotel, for its good cheap pub bistro or to one of the many eateries on King street itself if you are looking for something to eat. Apart from the bistro meals, which are particularly pleasant eaten out in the beer garden on a nice day, the Courthouse does not have a great deal of appeal. People under the influence of illicit substances, or on the lookout for same, should be advised that this hotel is the watering hole of choice for the local constabulary, and should probably go elsewhere.

The 'Bermuda triangle' area around the train station on King street, otherwise known as the Town Hall, Oxford and Bank hotels should only ever be entered late at night (This applies less to the Bank, which has a good cocktail bar at the rear and a Thai restuarant in the beer garden, than the other two).

To avoid stereotyping the patrons of these establishments (which would be a difficult task in itself) i will let you make up your own mind on which of these hotels to frequent, as if you don't like one it is only a short walk to the next one. Suffice to say, a good time can be had at all these hotels and you probably won't be that choosy at this time of the night anyway !!!

A quick rundown of the other pubs in the area would be:

The Sando (Sandringham Hotel) - This was once a bastion of local independant and alternative music which was turned into a poker machine palace and should therefore be avoided at all costs to punish the b******s.

The Coopers Arms (AKA the Shakie) - With apologies to a friend of mine who is the night manager, this place is like the Courthouse without the bistro.

The Marlborough - Usually has dodgy cover bands playing over the weekend, which should be enough information for you to make up your own mind whether this place will appeal to you or not. It does have a good bottle shop attached to it if you are eating at that end of town and i have heard the trivia nights early in the week are quite good fun.

The Newtown Hotel - For those into those pretty multicolour rainbow stickers and drag shows.

Unreviewed - There is now an Irish pub on the site of the old Macdonalds, which although it is no doubt like every other mock Irish pub in Sydney is probably worth visiting for a quiet personal celebration of the rare demise of a multinational fast food chain outlet.

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