The Sun

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To the inhabitants of Earth, the Sun is a bright ball of buring gas that passes across our skies every day, affecting our lives in every possible way.

To the rest of this Universe, Sol is a small and insignificant G2 class star orbiting in the "unfashionable Western Spiral Arm" of the Milky Way Galaxy, of the Virgo Cluster. Sol's nearest neighbour is known as Proxima Centauri and is 4.5 light years away.

It was long believed that the Sun orbited the Earth, along with the other known planets at the time. They also believed that the world was flat and if you sailed to the horizon, you would fall off the edge.

However a long time ago, a smart man by the name of Magellan hypothesised that the world and the other planets orbited the sun and that the world was round, and to prove it, he would sail around the world. Everyone told him he was crazy, but that didn't stop him and he did indeed sail around the world, even finding a "shortcut" so he didn't have to sail around the Cape of Good Hope.

The Sun is the basic source of time and has been around for a fair few billions of years, and is expected to be around for another few billions of years.

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