Jokes - Good and Bad

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Jokes are something every Hitchhiker must know about when travelling on Earth. Jokes are probably the most common and frequent form of communication on this planet. They can express hate towards anything from blondes to mothers-in-law. They can express many emotions and are great for starting conversations or research papers. There are also many types of jokes. They can range from Knock-knock jokes to just simple one liners. The problem is, no one can really describe a joke for you, you have to hear it for yourself. Unfortunately one-liners are looked down upon by many people.
Jokes can have a bad side as well. They can be just something someone says to gather friends. The could be something used to impress others, which, in that case, usually backfires making you look like a complete idiot. The worst kind of joke is a bad one. When someone tells a bad joke it could lead to mental retardation of the victim, or complete humiliation to the teller. The origin of the joke is still a mystery, but they range as far back as the time of Caeser Augustus.
The response most people have to a good joke is called laughter. This laughter seems to satisfy the person telling the joke and maybe loosens him up into other jokes. When someone tells a bad joke the worst thing you can do is laugh. If someone tells you a bad joke do not smile, giggle, or even chuckle politely, it could only end up in more jokes.

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