Decoding a Harley Davidson VIN Number
Created | Updated Mar 10, 2004
The vehicle identification number (VIN) on a motor vehicle is a signpost for where the vehicle is from and what it includes. Information in the vin can be used to verify that all the parts of the vehicle where intended to be on that vehicle. Many times, a vin has been used to tell if a vehicle that is being purchased, has any stolen parts or, for classic vehicles, that all the parts are original.
Mid 1930's to 1969
Example of vin number:
57 | FLH | 5719 |
Location of vin: Engine number is the vin, located on left case.
How to decode:
57 | FLH | 5719 |
Year of motorcycle | Model name | Production number |
1970 to 1980
Example of VIN number:
1A | 77690 | H4 |
Location of VIN number: Numbers found on both engine and frame, frame is legal number
How to decode:
1A | 77690 | H4 |
Model code (check here for model codes) | Production numbers | Year code (check here for year codes) |
1981 TO 2000
Example of vin number:
1 | HD | 1 | BF | K | 1 | X | B | Y | 012543 |
Location of vin number: 17 digit VIN on frame; abbreviated VIN on engine
How to decode:
1 | HD | 1 | BF | K | 1 | X | B | Y | 012543 |