True Love

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<p>Now this is a funny thing. Love means that you've found one that you can endure with through anything and give up everything that you are for. Well, true love is the same thing with one exception. True love is never tainted.</p>
<p>If you have ever said you loved someone, then a week later broken up with them, you may have loved them at one time and just don't anymore.</p>
<p>There's where the difference comes in. If you are truly in love with someone, you would do all the things for them that you would if you loved them, yet you would never want to let them go. That's where it gets complicated. If you truly love someone and they want to leave you, do you argue with them and refuse to let them go, or do you give them thir life and let them live it out the way they want to.</p>
<p>The correct answer is the latter of the two. It may be hard, but if you let them go, and they were truly ment to me yours, they'll come back.</p>
<p>Well, I have only one comment about true love, only do it if you're sure the other person won't want to leave you, 'cuz trust me, you won't like it if they try to leave. It'll hurt. Trust me, I've dealt with it.</p>
<p>Love is a great thing as long as you find the right person, so go out and start looking!</p>

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