I Gotcher Resolutions Right Here!!

4 Conversations

"A hangover is the perfect way to forget the reasons why you made a resolution in the first place" --Me

So it's that time of year again... the time when we reflect on the year gone by and feel really bad about some of the things we did. Or good, depending on which part of the world you live in. Nevertheless - The New Year's Resolution has become as much a part of our holiday tradition as mistletoe, minus the fear of halitosis. Every year we make them - and sometimes we keep them! But for most of us it's simply a healthy and fun way to catalouge our faults, realize our differences and pretend that eating entire wheels of "Fat Free Cheese" is the same as "being on a diet".

So here's your chance to put it all in writing - This way you can't back out! Let the world (or at very least the fifteen or so people who frequent my page) know what you plan on doing/not doing in the new millennium.

My New Year's Resolution? To stop making resolutions and to make some sort of questiony/answery-type-page on H2G2 every time a holiday comes around. Not necessarily in that order.

Good Luck!

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