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Two years after developing his theory of Dianetics, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard decided to found a religion - Scientology which became a church in 1954. Since then, the Church of Scientology has released very little sound information about itself to the public. There are also accounts of ex-Scientologists and claimed leaked information that form a very different view of Scientology. This entry will try to represent both views of scientology.

The Scientologists View

Scientologists claim "Scientology is an applied religious philosophy" that recognizes man is basically good and offers tools that anyone can use to become happier and more able as a person. Scientology provides exact principles and a practical technology for improving spiritual awareness, self-confidence, intelligence and ability. Scientology direct translation means 'knowing about knowing'.

The Critics View

Though Hubbard claimed scientific proof for Dianetics and Scientology principles, there has not been any reliable evidence proving his methods. When information is withheld, people get curious. If Scientology is such a great spiritual organisation, how come it sponges up so much money? Why do they charge thousands of dollars for their courses? Why is it an 'elite' religion? Many were not satisfied with the little information the Church of Scientology released and wanted a more rational reason for Scientology's fiscal needs. The critics of Scientology claim that Scientology was just founded to fulfill Hubbard's greed. Several people recall Hubbard saying that the real way to make a million dollars was to start your own religion. Several years later, he did.

The Other View

It is rumoured Hubbard believed that millions of years ago an evil galactic ruler (Xemu or Xenu) was in charge of all the planets in this part of the galaxy. Xenu saw his planets were overpopulated so he flew all their inhabitants to Earth where they were paralysed and stacked around the bases of volcanoes in their hundreds of billions. The volcanoes were then detonated with H-bombs and they were all killed. But as each person has a thetan1 so they were all told what life should be like and many confusing things. They were also shown false pictures and told they were God, The Devil and Christ. These theta clustered in groups of a few thousand and because there were only a few living bodies left they stayed as clusters and inhabited these bodies. These clusters of Theat called "body thetans" inhibit our abilities and so to fulfill our full potential we must be cleansed. This is when the money starts flowing as cleansing costs.

Criminal & Immoral Activity

The Church of Scientology has been involved with criminal activity since it was founded. In France, Britain and Germany it has been denied it charity status. In the US it has been involved in theft of information from Government agencies and there are several stories of how it deal with its ill members and children. When members want to leave they are often harassed and sometimes driven to suicide.

Forming an Opinion

As with most arguments it is hard to make a decision of which view is right. The Scientologist claim others make up their stories and the critics say the Scientologists are brainwashing their members and are a dangerous cult. Because the Scientologist provide no evidence to dismiss the critics' claims then I believe the critics view. This is why I set up SMASH - the Sensible Movement Against Scientology & Hubbard.
1Thetan: Soul/Spirit

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