Prion Disease

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This covers a number of diseases across a number of different species. It is a ‘slow virus’ and has a long incubation period, something we should all be concerned about. ‘Why?’ you may ask. Well, read on. The American neurologist Stanley Prusiner discovered the prion (proteinaceous infectious particle) in the brains of sheep that had died of the disease Scrapie. Scrapie is an incurable illness that leads to a plaque formation within the animal’s brain, severe and worsening dysfunction of the animal and ultimately death.

It was suspected that the feeding of mechanically recovered sheep meat to cattle, in the form of bone-meal, caused the Scrapie disease to migrate to the this species in a form known as BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) also known as Mad Cow’s Disease. This, I’m sure, you’ve all heard of.

BSE has the same symptoms and effects as Scrapie, leading ultimately to the death of the animal. Most cattle, though, even if only at risk of having the disease (in the UK at least) are routinely slaughtered and incinerated. This is supported and motivated by governmental schemes whereby farmers are compensated for their slaughtered cattle. ‘Why do that?’ I hear you ask. ‘Isn’t it the farmer’s own tough luck? Why should the tax-payer give even more money to the farmers?’ Well, I’ll go on.

It is now proven that human consumption of BSE contaminated beef caused the prion disease to further migrate into a human form known as CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.) It is possible that you, the reader, has this form of Prion Disease and because it is a ‘slow virus’ you wouldn’t show any symptoms for another 10 or 20 years. Symptoms which I won’t horrify you with. The UK government will tell you that its beef and milk are safe. Because of stringent new laws and compensatory schemes, then compared to many countries, this is probably true. Do you want to risk it though, just for the sake of your taste buds?

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