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Politics in this period was often complicated, hypocritical, and perception-based. Different men, with different goals and methods all used the same system to achieve their aims. Some sought personal gain, some fame, while others were motivated by altruism or humanitarianism, or what they considered to be right from their political or religious standpoint. The changing nature of society at the time necessitated changes in policy. Economic interests such as industry were growing, which threatened the established interests such as the landed gentry and the aristocracy. Human rights were gaining momentum, with issues such as slavery, Catholic Emancipation, and children’s rights in the forefront of the period. Democracy was seen by those in power as a dangerous experiment with potentially dire results, with the French Revolution and wars still in living memory. With the impetus for all kinds of changes coming from different directions, the nature of political leadership was necessarily a fluid one. The idea of party loyalties was very strong at this point in time, and the static nature of the party lines conflicted with the need to remain flexible for the good of the nation, and greatly contributed to the political conflict of the period.

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