Role playing
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
games(RPG), Are
better known in video
games like "Final
Fantasy" and "The
Legend of Zelda".
But before the birth
of the video game,
there was table-top
role playing. These
sortof games still
exist however mostly
played by people of
low high school and
college popularity.
Some very
recognizable games of
this caliber are
"Dungeons and
Dragons"("D&D") and
"Advanced Dungeons
and Dragons"("AD&D").
Others would include
one of my persnal
favorites, "Vapire
the Masquerade". The
way you play is not
as complicated as it
looks. You'll need a
person to run the
game. They are
called the Story
tellers and/or game
masters. They are
the people that give
you the situation
your character will
have to overcome.
Then you must build
the character. It is
always best to not
make him too
complicated to
portray, and you want
him to be much like
yourself as far as
your personality
goes. The books are
better at explaining
the rules than I can.
You can easily find
them in your
bookstores around the
fantasy section.
Table top RPG's are
not the only kind
there is to play. As
a matter of fact,
I'll be taking part
in a live action RPG
this New year's eve
in Memphis. Most of
the time these live
action games are
packed with strict
rues to ensure the
safety of the
players. Rules like:
no drugs or alchahol,
no touching of any
sort(most disputes
between characters
are settled in a
match of paper, rock,
scissors), And no
real weapons. What I
find so fun about
these kind of games
is that rather you
are playing around
the table or running
around in a field,
it's so inteactive.
Your not having to
deal with a computer
program, but instead,
live people like
yourself just having
fun and escaping
reality for a couple
of hours. IT'S
GREAT. For any
questions you may
have, you can send me
a forum message.
That's about it.