ActiveWorlds 3D Chat

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Everyone likes chat, there's no doubt about it. there's just one problem. It's Flat. There have been attemps to make it more exciting but it just turned out to flat cartoons.
However, one company has made the ultimate chatting tool. Activeworlds. In activeworlds ypu pick an avatar (an online representation of yourself) and you're away! Free to chat to your hearts content in a huge (and i really mean huge) 3D world! But thats just the tip of the iceberg. You also have the ability to build houses, bus-stops, anything you like really, using the modular construction system. the program is based on VRML and, surprisingly, is only 1.67 Mb!
I advise you to go and download it now because it really is brilliant. Filled with online communities and hundreds of worlds, ActiveWorlds is the chatters dream!
You can find out about and download Active worls at

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