Yellow, the gretest colour in the world

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<BODY>Also see anything and everything.
Yellow is the happiest colour on the planet known as Earth. But most important it is my favourite colour.
Things that are yellow are:
1. Lemons
2. Sunflowers
3. Crocuses
4. Bananas
5. Grapefruits
6. Egg Yolk
7. Dandelions
8. Buttercups
9. Cheese
10. Forsythias
11. Blackburn Rovers Away Kit 98/99
12. Leeds Utd Away Kit 98/99
13. Daffodils
14. Tweety Pie
15. Rupert the Bear's Trousers and Scarf
16. Custard
17. Marzipan
18. Brazil's Home Football Kit
19. The Liberal Democrats
20. Sheffield Wednesdays Away Kit 98/99
21. My £155 Thomas Burberry Coat
22. My Nike Rucksack
23. Post-It Notes
24. The Sun (not the newspaper)
25. Cowards
26. Lions
27. Flounder off the Little Mermaid
28. Flake Wrapper

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