Homelessness in London

1 Conversation

<P>Homelessness is having no home. There are many reasons for and contributing factors to this state, including:<BR/>
<LI>drug abuse<BR/>
<LI>poor mental health<BR/>
<LI>relationship break-up<BR/>
<LI>discharge from armed forces or prison<BR/>
<LI>bad luck</P>

<P>Governments generally regard homelessness as <B> a bad thing</B>, although some homeless people seem quite happy with their lifestyle, and, while they may be a burden to the State, they would be a heavier burden if the State had to house them as well.</P>

<P>The British Government's commitment to reduce homelessness will need to address those who choose to be homeless. Many have tried hostels, shelters, and other short term initiatives, and consider that living on the street is preferable. Providing more hostel places won't shift these people. In any case there <B>are</B> enough hostel places - what is needed is more help for people to transfer from these to proper housing.</P>

<P>I have just returned from Crisis Open Christmas - a giant shelter housing and feeding hundreds of homeless people over the Christmas period. By being at such a place, one can begin to see the size of the homelessness problem in London. Several hundred people were there, but, if I were a landlord, there are many among this number who I definitely wouldn't want in my house.</P>

<P>So we have very significant numbers who are virtually unhouseable to add to those who don't want to be housed. I would estimate that these two groups combined make up over half of the total.</P>

<P>So what we really have here, is the fact that most people don't want to see filthy, scruffy beggars on the streets of London, or, indeed, anywhere else. Hmm, a rather dated idea of the average homeless person, here then. What about those of us who are clean, neatly dressed and do not beg?</P>


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