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Asterix, as any devoted fan should know, is one of the indominable gauls who are holding out against the romans in 50BC. These wonderous Gauls are able to holdout thanks to a magic potion which gives them superhuman strength. They drink this before any battle, well all except Obelix who drank so much when he was a little boy that he isn't allowed anymore. Asterix, the hero, his friend Obelix and the druid Getafix, along with the rest of their friends, have great adventures after which they have a wonderful banquet.

Asterix was created by Rene Goscinny (Artist)and Albert Uderzo (writer) in France on the 29 october 1959. This plucky charcter and his friends were first brought to the public in the magazine Pilote. At first Asterix was serialised on a weekly basis then in 1961 the first album Asterix le Gaulois (Asterix the Gaul) was published. Since then there have been 25 books, several game books, the poster book, the complete guide to Asterix and compilations.

The english versions of the books do not, always, directly translate from the french because of the cultural humour contained within them, occasionally there are refernces or jokes which would be understood by the french but not the english because of the differences in our language and culture. Thus the translators would attempt the render a feel, as far as possible, for the original. In addition the english versions of the books are in a different order from the french versions because of a variation in original publishing and translation dates. Asterix has now been translated into 69 languages and has his own amusement park "Parc Asterix" in Plailly, just outside of Paris. Sadly in 1977 Goscinny died leaving Uderzo to contiune, owing to pressure from the fans, with the Asterix books alone. The last Asterix book was published in 1996 and was called "Asterix and Obelix All At Sea". This maybe the last Asterix book in the series. The Asterix books are as follows (I have order them according to when they were first published in France):

Asterix The Gaul (France 1961 English translation 1969)
Asterix and the Goldern Sickle (France 1962 English Translation 1975)
Asterix and the Goths (France 1963 English translation 1974)
Asterix the Gladiator (France 1964 English Translation 1969)
Asterix and the Banquet (France 1966 English translation 1979) - [please note that this is the first time that Obelix's little dog Dogmatix appears in the books.]
Asterix and Cleopatra (France 1965 English Translation 1969)
Asterix and the Big Fight (France 1966 English translation 1971)
Asterix in Britain (France 1966 English translation 1970)
Asterix and the Normans (France 1967 English translation 1978)
Asterix the Legionary (France 1967 English translation 1970)
Asterix and the Chieftan's Shield (France 1968 English translation 1977)
Asterix at the Olympic Games (France 1968 English translation 1972)
Asterix and the Cauldron (France 1969 English translation 1976)
Asterix in Spain (France 1969 English translation 1971)
Asterix and the Roman Agent (France 1970 English translation 1972)
Asterix in Switzerland (France 1970 English translation 1973)
Asterix The Mansions of the Gods (France 1971 English translation 1973)
Asterix and the Laurel Wreath (France 1972 English translation 1974)
Asterix and the Soothsayer (France 1972 English translation 1975)
Asterix in Corsica (France 1973 English translation 1980)
Asterix and Caesar's Gift (France 1974 English translation 1977)
Asterix and the Great Crossing (France 1975 English translation 1976)
Asterix: Obelix and Co. (France 1976 English translation 1978)
The Twelve Tasks of Asterix [based on the cartoon film of the same name] (France 1976 English translation 1978)
Asterix in Belgium (France 1979 English translation 1980)
Asterix and the Great Divide (France 1980 English translation 1981)
Asterix and the Black Gold (France 1981 English translation 1982)
Asterix and Son (France 1983 English translation 1983)
Asterix Versus Caesar [based on the cartoon film of the same name](France 1985 English translation 1986)
Asterix and the Magic Carpet (France 1987 English translation 1988)
Asterix: How Obelix Fell into the Magic Potion When he was a Little Boy (France 1989 English translation 1989)
Asterix: Operation Getafix [based on the cartoon film Asterix And The Big Fight](France 1989 English translation 1990)
Asterix and the Secret Weapon (France 1991 English translation 1991)
Asterix Conquers America [based on the cartoon film of the same name] (dates currently unknown)
Asterix and Obelix All At Sea (France 1996 English translation 1996)

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