Ghost World

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Well, I liked "Crumb" and could endure "American Splendor" so i finally took the time to rent "Ghost World". All three are directed by Terry Zwigoff. I remember the comic, it was banal, and had some nauseating aspects mercifully removed from the movie, just the puke green color scheme was bad enough.

Anyway the video has a vibe where you think that everyone is dead, but they just don't know it. It belongs to the "Lost in Suburbia" genre that has been a staple of alternative Hollywood; films like "The Slums of Beverly Hills" or the glorious distopian fantasy "Suburbia".

It's two main characters are fearless, sexually depersonalized, prankstresses with no plans further than finding a McJob and renting an apartment together. One finds her soul in a dingy 1920's era music collector NO dome (you would have had to read Chapterhouse Dune). The other is being dragged by her own comfortable loathsomeness down into the suburban blah. In fact she seems to be dragged into everything against her weakly will. She only derives power from complicating the emotional lives of people more interesting than she could ever stand to be. The stronger girl Enid ultimately leaves on a bus that never seems to come, except for those who are really ready to leave, and become unknowns in the uncertain out-there.

It takes a while for the message of the movie to resonate. It manifests in the sudden awareness of the widespread meaninglessness that surrounds us. Is there some way out?

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