Character Classes

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The Character Generator is very mysterious! In fact, it's so mysterious, it hasn't been invented yet!* But what, you may ask, are the types of characters who can be generated? Well, here's your answer. There's two main types: Humanoid and Monster. They all have gender-neutral names, since they can be of either gender. Also, once generated from a particular series, they have to start at the lowest point and work their way up to the higher classes.


  • Swordian-series
    1. Swordian
    2. Warrior
    3. Knight

    Description: Good with swords, and getting the point across to the opponent.
  • Fistfighter series
    1. Fighter
    2. Brawler
    3. Wrestler

    Description: Don't touch weapons, unless it's boxing gloves. Particularly blunt.
  • Healer series
    1. Cleric
    2. Acolyte
    3. Priest(ess)

    Description: Great with healing magic. Generally have a calmer point of view.
  • Mage series
    1. Fire Mage
    1. Ice Mage
    1. Bolt Mage
    1. Aqua Mage
    2. Star Mage

    Use the magic specified in element type; Star Mages use all four. They seem to have too much fun using it ...
  • Scout series
    1. Scout
    2. Surveyor
    3. Ranger

    Description: They know the lay of the land, and if they don't, they find out quick.
  • Thief Series
    1. Thief
    2. Larcenist
    3. Burglar

    Description: Good at acquiring items from other people. Getting them to give it to you is another matter.
  • Archer series
    1. Markster
    2. Sniper
    3. Targeter

    Description: Better at long-range than close-range. Can be counted on to see ahead.
  • Biker Series
    1. Guy
    2. Punk
    3. Dude

    Description: Great with mechanisms, especially those involving two-wheeled vehicles.


  • Prinny (Prinnies)
    1. Pvt. Prinny
    2. Sgt. Prinny
    3. Lt. Prinny

    Description: Appear to be blue penguins, five feet tall, wearing knapsacks around their waists.
  • Kitty (Kitties)
    1. Kitten
    2. Catmorph
    3. Feline

    Description: Mostly human, but with feline ears and tail.
  • Badge (Badges)
    1. Badgie
    2. Badger
    3. Badgest

    Description: Five-foot-tall badgers, standing on hind legs. Good at dancing.
  • Toadstool (Toadstools)
    1. Spore
    2. Mushroom
    3. Fungus

    Description: Large, mobile mushrooms with arms.

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