Memory of The Eturnal Swarm

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This is the place that I will record the major events of the swarm...

The Invsion of H2G2

A huge astroid like object hurtles through the depths of space. This mass is the Ovemind, who can only travel in this method. The target: H2G2. ETA: 10 February 2004. The point of departure:Planet Char, the homeworld of the Zerg. As the astroid nears, small objects can be seen swarming around the bulky mass. Eventually these specks can be distinguished as groups of Zerg that make up the swarm. The astroid slames into the planet surface creating a monstrous crater and sending shock wave through the ground. As the debrie clears the Overmind can be seen and around him are several drones that are morfing into the hatcheries to suport the Zerg Swarm. Thus the Primary hive Cluster was created on this planet. As time passed the hatcheries morphed into larger structures, known as Lairs, and then even larger structures, known as Hives. Also, as thick organic ground covering spreads out from these structures and on it drones began to morph into other structures to support the more advaced members of the Zerg Swarm. The Swarm was finally up and running and capable of wormhole travel. Bright points began to apear in the skies above the Primary Hive Clusters and then these points began to open up into wormholes.

Soon After these wormholes opened Protoss units began to emerge from them. Several probes began to open up warp rifts along the outskirts of the Zerg settlement. A large perifrial defense grid of Photon Cannons begins to materialize on the outskirts of the Protoss settlement and continued around the Primary Hive Cluster. The Protoss colony began to produce higher level structure and began to flurish like the Zerg had done.

H2G2 Takeover

Phase I begins

Target: MotMV

Reason: I don't know...that's EvilClaw for you...

Joins Evil Army of H2G2, changes to the War of The God Moders...

Results: Ended in a truce brought on by quoting movies...

Phase II begins

Target: Dog House

Reason: EvilClaw Draco and SuperMoo all have a problem with the Dog House...

Red Dog fakes the Dog House's run down state...acting like there is no reason for us to continue our invasion...*some* forces are left to spy upon this oddity...

Spying pays off...Hunter Killer uncovers their atempt to drive us away...attacks with well as a protoss division of PAZA until main swarm returns...

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